Hi everyone,

It's been a while since I've been around here. My teaching load at university ate my life for a few months, but (hopefully) some free time is coming back into my world. I started off (ages ago) posting a WIP map I was creating using a Photoshop Tutorial from the Guild. I had a huge amount of fun creating the map, but it sort of bloated and bloated and wasn't clearly going anywhere, so I've put it aside for more practical projects. To that end, I'll post a couple Hand Drawn B/W maps that I've put together as a part of a series of fantasy novellas / short novels I'm writing.

The two maps below are snapshots / zoomed parts of the world (called Clay-o'-the-Green). I've opted for a rather (over-used) Tolkienesque style... maybe that's a bad idea, but the setting just feels like it works better with this sort of style. Anyway, I don't know how much modification I can do to these maps (posted) but as it is all a giant work in progress, I can take on board any advice and use it for subsequent maps.

I think my biggest problem is that my handwriting is a bit of a mess. I might (at some point) go through and erase all the handwritten place names and change them to a suitable digital font.





Thanks for any feedback

Also, let me know if I've done anything wrong or less than ideal with the links and images. I've lurked on and off here but my posting has been a bit sparse.

Thanks again,
