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Thread: Commission - multiple battle amps

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  1. #1

    Post Commission - multiple battle amps

    Project Scope:
    Looking to get a bunch of "Simplistic/functional" maps done for personal D&D and Pathfinder games. While I'm not looking for the Sistine Chapel, but I'd like the forest maps to have trees and such and for doors to look like doors (reference at post bottom). I'm uninspired at map making and I work a lot, so when the need for maps arose I got lazy. I'm looking to commission -
    34 Battle maps
    1 world map
    1 town map

    Description of Maps:
    the battle maps are going to be from various biomes and dungeon types (ruins, forest, desert, mountains, etc.) and I've got rough layouts to provide
    the world map and town map both have a rough I will also provide
    all maps grid-less

    jpg or png
    most of the maps would be around 1750 pixels by 1750 pixels possibly a few larger, I plan to use them on roll20, but that'd be case by case

    Remains with cartographer
    These maps aren't gonna be published or reproduced for commercial use by me, they're just for personal use.


    please contact me with your rates/pricing via this post, or email: unusualcactus(at)gmail(dot)com. I have no issue with a flat or percentage down and have PayPal

    Stylistic Reference:
    by no means a "you have to draw this way" just an attempt to show what I mean by forests have trees and stone looks like stone. please contact me with any additional questions
    Last edited by Unusual Cactus; 09-05-2021 at 10:19 AM. Reason: settled on an Cartographer

  2. #2


    I could probably help you with the world map and the town map you are looking for, but for the battle maps I have a few suggestions that might work better than trying to custom commission them from people here.

    I don't know what kind of budget you are looking at for this, but even super simplified the lowest someone would probably go is about $25usd per battle map as you described so for 34 it would be a lot. However there are a number of people that do an amazing job on battle maps that have a huge catalog and for at least a months subscription on their patreon you can get access to some really amazing stuff of all varieties.

    If you would like to commission a custom map piece for the world map or town map I am open to options and we can discuss it. Feel free to email me and or check out my website here.

    Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or anything as well. Thanks!

  3. #3


    Thanks for the suggestions Ralaris, I've seen a few, but they just weren't fitting in the way I'm looking for, and even still, I've got a good enough budget that I'm not *too* worried.

    I'll check your work and get back to you ^^b

  4. #4


    Would be interested to make your city and world map and can do also battle maps (but like Ralaris said, a lot battlemaps and they cost that would end up being a lot money for them, even simplistic ones, but if you still want to go that way, no problem)
    Prices depend on complexity, details and size of map.

    Just direct message me here.

    My works <-- Click for images

  5. #5

    Default Commission has been accepted

    Thank you very much everyone that reached out to me, I have selected the person who will work on this commission.


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