So, I'm only a few years late but I'm finally back to making a map. Sorry for the failing to get with the program and forcing you guys to reassign my previous landmass. I do feel bad for taking so much time to get to this. I honestly had every intention to do so but life had other plans. Better late than never though...
My goal here is to attempt painting this by hand in Artrage and then porting to Photoshop (my typical digital environment) for final adjustments and so on. Let's see how this goes.
I have to say, coming up with a name was the hardest part so far.
Map 62 is the Southernmost series of islands. I hadn't planned to get into an Arctic zone and based on some of the conversations I guess it's going to be pretty cold. However, I looked at the world map and noticed that others in the same zone were not overwhelmed with ice and therefore I will do my best to accommodate everyone involved.
Meet Khovania, a large island Nation of hearty folk who can handle the cold and don't give a rat's patoot. If you wish to sail around the world using the southern hemisphere you will sail past Khovania. If you lack the stones to face the ultimate sailors test you will no doubt enjoy the Northern coast and it's cool yet, hospitable locations.
However, if you wish to prove yourself a true nautical hero, or are for some reason driven to avoid the northern passage for reasons we will not mention here, you may face the Southern coast and the Icewall where freezing saltwater and rogue waves clash to create a nightmare of epic proportions. Many a ship have been lost along this stretch of icy terror and only the truly desperate or marginally mad attempt it.
My thought is that the southern edge as well as the eastern coast will be for the most part constantly hit with an ice cold wind. Along those sides of the main island there would be next to nil locations to port a ship. It's basically very inhospitable. That said, once you work your way into the interior it becomes more livable. True, you still need to be hardy and capable but it is doable. Along the northern coast you will find the more typical cities and so on. With this in mind I thought to map a rocky and cold coast that gradually transformed to a more typical forest and so forth. In my imagination a sailor would see what looks like a giant wall of ice or what looks like a glacier as they travel along the S and SE coast.
Well, that's all I have for now as my maps tend to create my stories and so I'll get to sharing.
We will begin with the main island of Khovania. I'll include all the rubbish so you can see how this goes for me. Sorry about the massive white space. I'll try to do something about that going forward. I have already made a bunch more progress on this but it's time to spend time with my wife so I'm out. I'll try to upload more of my steps later tonight but I wanted to get this started before I chickened out.![]()
To be honest, I'm not in love with this first post but that's always how I feel about my stuff when I begin.
I'm also not sure how this all clicks into the guild world map so I'm basically working INSIDE the black outlines of the image provided. Someone let me know if that's wrong so I can adjust before it's a real pain. LOL
### Latest WIP ###
Country 62.jpg