Hello my fellow cartographers.
Here am I taking a break from my studies to post a proyect that i will be working on on the next few months. Turns out that somehow i came across the ideo of creating a castle-refinary of a tecnologically advanced kindom. So i started bulding the outside of the castle on a 3D layout using 3Dmax, and it was pretty fair game. I took a picture of the model and detailed it on photoshop. I looks kind-a sorta like a big tower, but it is castle I promaise... Kind of like a babilonian style castle, with pipes and chimnies.
Sooo, enywho...
I'll post the picture as a first step. The proyect for me and anyone who would like to contribute is to create the several rooms for this gargantual castle. Either if you have something to contribute or suggest of simply comment, every least of feedback is a positive thing.
So without further delay, here is the Castle... ajem... Tower... Refinary... thingy...