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Thread: Map for Historical Science Fiction Novel

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    Post Map for Historical Science Fiction Novel

    *** Note: This project is now closed for bids. Thank you all who took time to email me. ***

    Greetings Master Craftsmen and Craftswomen:

    I have written a novel that will be published very soon and would like to include a map of the main character’s journey from Toledo, Spain to Fez, Morocco. These are the modern names of the locations, and not the names used in 1212 AD when the novel takes place. At that time, Spain was divided into several Christian kingdoms in the north, and part of the Muslim Almohad Empire in the south, which also covered northern Africa.

    My References
    I have attached the following for reference:

    1 The Apprentice Stone Map.png
    1 The Apprentice Stone Map – My poor attempt at doing it myself.

    2 Page from Battle Book.jpg
    2 Page from Battle Book – This image has been scanned from a published atlas, and shows some of the battles in the book. The ones that need to be shown on your map are listed below.

    3 Francisco's Journey.PNG
    3 Francisco's Journey – This is a screen shot from Google Maps that shows the journey taken. This also illustrates the scope of the map I need illustrated.

    4 Regional Map circa 1200.jpg
    4 Regional Map circa 1200 – Shows the political regions. (I apologize for the low resolution.)

    5 Europe Map circa 1200.jpg
    5 Europe Map circa 1200 – For reference

    Features that should be shown on the map:
    • The title “Francisco’s Journey”
    • A legend showing symbols for cities and battles and travel route.
    • The travel route: shown in the attached image xxx.
    • Regions: Kingdom of Portugal, Kingdom of Leon, Kingdom of Castile, Navarre, Kingdom of Aragon, Kingdoms of the Franks (northeast of Navarre and Aragon), Almohad Empire
    • Cities in the Kingdom of Castile: Toledo
    • Cities in the Kingdom of Aragon: Zaragoza
    • Cities in the Almohad Empire: Cordoba, Tangier, Fez
    • Battles: Malagón, Calatrava, Alarcos, Salvatierra, Ferral, and Las Navas de Tolosa

    I am looking for a map in the following style:

    It needs to be in color, but since I will convert it to grayscale for the print version, the color choice and line style needs to be clearly distinguishable from other features if desaturated.
    Font choice: Map title and legend title should be in a Medieval font. All others are up to you. Since the size of the map is small for the features need to illustrate, you may need to use a san serif font for legibility.

    Quality & Size
    The scale of the map will be approximately 100 miles to the inch with dimensions 4.5” x 6” (width by height) at 300 dpi. For reference, it will be on a website, in an ebook, and a 6x9” print book. There’s an extra commission if you can get it into an audio book.

    Raster or Vector, dang. I don’t know. I would like a .png file so it’s lossless, but vector would be cool if I need to make alterations. We can talk about this.

    Time Constraints
    I need it by Sept. 23. That seems short to me, but I have a release date October 7, and need time for final copy.

    I will have the right to use the image for commercial purposes. The artist will have the right to exhibit the image as part of his portfolio but not to exploit it for commercial gain.

    Thanks and Looking Forward to Your Creation,
    Last edited by Justin_Tyme; 09-04-2017 at 11:25 AM. Reason: Closed for bids

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