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Thread: July 2020 Challenge: The Patterned Vale

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Ifrix's Avatar
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    Default July 2020 Challenge: The Patterned Vale

    So, the Feywild... Been working on this on and off the past couple weeks between distractions. Also was finally a good excuse to test out these brushes I got a while back.

    First idea was to go the route of the Unseelie Court, with shadows and webs but I felt like I needed to do a bit of a lighter map, but still with the darkness and mysteries of the Fey present in it. So various concepts just came together in my head and after watching Spirited Away again for the hundredth time I knew the style I wanted. It took a lot of experimentation and testing but I'm happy with how it turned out. I think this is probably the finished thing but I'm still not 100% on the text and always open to suggestions and criticism.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

    There are many tales of the Forest. Of the vale of patterns, of the great tree of beaconed gold. It is a great and shadowed place, that forest, stretching endlessly into madness. You may chance to stumble upon one of the many paths therein, great and terrible corridors carved by no hand of man or spirit. But the trails twist and wind in patterns unknown and changing and, should you walk blind, will lead only outward into despair.

    Hope still remains though. Beyond the overbearing trees you may catch glimpse of a beacon of shattered gold, a promise of warmth, of light. And such guided striving will draw you to the Vale itself. Y Bryniau Patrymog it is called, the patterned hills, for upon the rising banks of grass and flower that bask in that glow, lie carved in chalk the aspects of beast and spirit. Should you chance to take time to wander through that dale, between the scattered pillars of stone that sprout upwards from the turf, you may catch sight of others in this place. They are fey and secretive and no indication of dwelling or settlement marks where they may live. But they are there, between the chalk, between the stones, and with a turn and a laugh they are quickly gone – to some place other, and beyond the Vale.

    Rising high and treacherous, a great circling wall of peaks girdles the Vale’s heart. Of entrances, there are only two – carved and cut in a time long before. Between those great towering gates, the light of gold spills and dances ever out and leads you into Cwrtdôl, the meadowcourt. Here the folk of the vale dance in full raiment, leading the flowers and winds in a glorious movement of chorus. An etheric song of wind and voice lifts the air and heart in wonder.

    And, lying at the heart of all, is Coeden Calon – the great tree, and the source of all light in this place. Its leaves are burnished with gold, its gilded bark refracting out the glinting warmth of its glow. An auric beacon of dawnlight stretches heavenward from its boughs to guide the lost and wandering. And, after much meandering, you may find time to rest among its roots, to sleep and join that peaceful dream, that endless dance, in that strange and patterned vale.

    - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
    ### Latest WIP ###
    The Patterned Vale.jpg

    And a version without labels:
    The Patterned Vale nolabels.jpg
    Last edited by Ifrix; 07-16-2020 at 02:53 PM.

  2. #2


    This is stunning! I've followed your progress on the Discord and I loved those mountains enough. Now that they're part of a whole story, with this tree as a star on Earth, spraying light over this mysterious land that seems to stretch beyond anyone's imagination, I can only say it's also true of the whole piece.
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  3. #3


    Beautiful! The style of the labels fits the map and theme really well too, and the text really captures that fey mythos feeling (might want a period on the end of the second paragraph though, not that it really affects how great the description is).

    There's always something a little terrifying about regional-scale mazes, even without fey magic making it change around you, because at that scale it's possible to have a very slightly curved path look straight while you're traveling on it and over a long distance get you turned around while completely unsuspecting.

  4. #4
    Guild Expert Adfor's Avatar
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    Me oh my, what a treat, this is just gorgeous. You've really captured the mysteriousness of the fey realm in earnest. The flavor behind it is very well thought out, bravo.

    I like this one just the way it is, you gave just enough map and lore for the imagination to run wild filling in the blanks.


  5. #5


    Gorgeous and inspirational!

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  6. #6

  7. #7
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    Wow!! Simply, wow! This is magnificent, Ifrix. You've captured the feeling of a fairytale perfectly, and the painting is both atmospheric but also very clear. If you have the time, a border of some sort would make it complete, but it honestly isn't necessary: I love this the way it is!


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  8. #8
    Community Leader Ifrix's Avatar
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    Thanks for all the kind comments everyone

    Yeah Wingshaw I did initially think about doing a border but I do wonder how it would look as I would want it to match the style. Might still give it a little experimentation if I take another look and do feel it needs it.

  9. #9
    Guild Expert Facebook Connected XCali's Avatar
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    Love it! It is imbued with mystery!

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    ~ Psalm 19

  10. #10


    That is gorgeous, Ifrix
    I might join in... and I'd be happy to lose to this map.

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