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Thread: New Zealand (WIP)

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  1. #1

    Wip New Zealand (WIP)


    Quick update about my new(and very early, pencil stages) WIP. Obviously, it's New Zealand. A group of islands we sometimes forget about, when we think about the world map. Hell, it has the distinction of being the country that is most often forgotten, in World maps (there's an entire subreddit on the matter).

    In any case, I'm going to try putting in the Maori names, along with the English ones. To that end, New Zealand = Aotearoa, North Island = Te Ika-A-Maui (or, the fish that Maui caught), and South Island = Te Waipounamu (or, Maui's canoe). And if anybody's interested, the poem in the bottom right is (mostly) the first stanza of a real poem, titled "New Zealand" by J. Baxter.
    (And yes, that is a lot of mountains. I'm aware of it).

    As always, it's traditional ink to coffee stained paper, with an atlas used as a reference to create the actual outlines. Criticism is eagerly welcomed.

  2. #2


    Hehe, I opened the thread without reading the title nor name, saw the tumbnail and tough "it looks like something UGE could draw" : it's always a good thing when a style is that identifiable ^^
    I love your calligraphy in the bottom right part of the map, and look forward to seeing what you'll do for the next steps

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by MistyBeee View Post
    Hehe, I opened the thread without reading the title nor name, saw the tumbnail and tough "it looks like something UGE could draw" : it's always a good thing when a style is that identifiable ^^
    I love your calligraphy in the bottom right part of the map, and look forward to seeing what you'll do for the next steps
    Thank you. Yes, I suppose I have been getting a bit comfortable with this particular style, I don't know if that's a good thing or not XD. We'll see. That particular bit of calligraphy took me an entire night to do, I need so much more practice before I get used to it. I'll definitely try to incorporate more calligraphy into my maps though.

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