I was going to take a break from doing challenge maps so that I could concentrate on my Himin Reica project. But something about this challenge kept calling to me, and, I eventually gave in. The only problem I saw was that I was getting a late start and, as is often the case, I feared not having enough time to finish given the fact that I tend to try to work through Wilbur and Terragen. As I read through the challenge requirements, however, it occurred to me that neither Wilbur nor Terragen would be required for this challenge. Rather, I went to FTPro and cycled through worlds until I found something I thought I could work with. I snagged a few different screen shots to lay out the coast lines, some sea shading and lat/long lines and settled for a "quarter" world perspective similar to the one used in one of the old Forgotten Realms guides I once owned.
I've yet to lay out any features or locations, but I do have my brushes (tubes) set up and should be able to paint them in fairly quickly once I've decided where things are going to go. For the moment, however, I'm hungry, so I'll head out to breakfast, take a printout of the blank map and see what kind of progress I can make. Hopefully I'll have an update to post in a few hours. For now, here's the blank map with some sea shading and the lat/long lines.
The only other thing I am worried about is "size." I might have to sacrifice a bit of resolution to give myself a bit more physical room to work in features and labeling.
### Latest WIP ###