Hey all! I haven't posted in a while. I have been pretty busy with work, school and the end of my D&D campaign. So here is a little something I am sharing with you guys form the latter end of my D&D game. I created a massive puzzle dungeon for my players and put them through hell and back I have the rough sketches here with the detailed info on each section/temple. The players had to use their heads for this one as there really only was 1 or two combat encounters. The rest was all mostly brain work and skill rolls. Once I have everything posted, if you have further questions feel free to ask about it.
The other great thing about this is that I am using this dungeon as a final project for my portfolio. I am going to get the finialized versions printed in large format so that they can be used as playable battle maps. I'm expecting to pay about $80 for printing for these four maps alone. I say, it's bloody worth it! I will get some pics later of the printed versions once I have them. So check these out, and I hope you enjoy them!