So after hearing that people work in a huge scale (haha the 10,000x10,000) I figured why the heck not, lets see what I can pull together with that big of a size....
Anyways I'm not too sure I like the "square" shape, nor the actual size or shape of the continents.... So in general I'll probably revamp it and try again...
However, two questions come up before I even take another stab at it, one does the Water work? (on the right bottom corner of all the land it shows a small highlight... that should probably go around the whole landmass but yeah, change or leave it?) Also the continents seem a bit too... Craggy? I can't think of a better word, now don't worry about the inner lakes those will all disappear, but I just want to know if there should be less cragginess around the continents or if its fine... Please let me know!
I added a stroke so you could actually see the definition of the land