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Thread: -»Rhothar«- .:The World:.

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  1. #1
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    Wip -»Rhothar«- .:The World:.

    (Two things: A) Please twll me "WIP" stands for "World in Planning". B) This thread was origionally posted and coppied from a thread I made on a completely unrelated forum, so there may be some BBCode errors. I'll fix those later.)


    Well, this is a kinda "creating thread" for my Earth-like fantasy world "Rhothar" (which means "The World", for those who are wondering). I'll add a nice intro later. Too lazy now. -_-

    -»Rhothar World Map

    Lighter Grey Areas = Land
    Darker Grey Areas = Water
    Red Lines = Continental Boundaries
    Blue Lines = Ocean Boundaries

    -»Physical Map

    White = 18'000ft / 6'000m and higher
    Purple-ish = 12'000 - 18'000ft / 4'000 - 6'000m above sea level
    Brown = 6'000 - 12'000ft / 2'000 - 4'000m above sea level
    Green = 0 - 6'000ft / 0 - 2'000m above sea level
    Blue-Green = Land below sea level
    Light Blue = 0 - 6'000ft / 0 - 2'000m below sea level
    Pure Blue = 6'000 - 12'000ft / 2'000 - 4'000m below sea level
    Dark Blue = 12'000 - 18'000ft / 4'000 - 6'000m and lower

    -»Continents & Islands


    Lithotar (Storm Land)
    A large, Africa-like landmass in the south, Lithotar is a hot continent covered in desert, savanna and jungle. Though it's the hottest of the continents, it's also the most stormy, gaining it's name.

    Hutar (Central Land)
    Hutar is like the Middle-East of Rhothar. It is largely desert with slight tropics in the south. It's name comes from the simple fact that it's central to nearly all the other continents.

    Enaetar (Clouded Land)
    By far the largest of the continents, Enaetar is like Eurasia on Earth, with climates ranging from tropics to tundra. In most parts of Enaetar, it is lush and clouded. The near constant sight of clouds earned it it's name.

    Vanatar (North Land)
    Being the furthest north, Vanatar is also the coldest. Being a sort of northern Antarctica, the continents is largely lifeless. Being very cold and very windy, the only reason peoples have settled here is because of it's vast resaurses of metals and gems.

    Duratar (Dry Land)
    Duratar is the dryest of the continents and has a landscape much like North-America, save for the lack of much lush grasslands. There's a large area of grassland, mainly savanna, to the south, jungle to the north, but a vast desert in the centre.

    Suratar (Wet Land)
    Covered in jungle with a near continuous outpore of rain on its surface, Suratar has a just name. Its climate and biosphere is much like that of Indonesia or South America. Like Lithotar, Suratar experiences heavy storms year round. Unlike Lithotar, Suratar experiences mostly rainstorms, whereas Lithotar's storms are more like thunderstorms on a masive scale.

    Islands: (Only the most natable)

    Outremar (Home Isle)
    The origin of man into Rhothar. The ancient volcano has since been abandoned, save for a few small tribes. The eastern coast is mostly a jungle of, not only trees, but all forms of fungi. The west is a vast savanna-esque grassland. The beaches are grey as the result of volcanic ash.

    Siromar (Isle of Ghosts)
    The origional name of this cursed rock as been long forgotten. This was once a great colony of men, but years later, for no apparent reason, all have dissapeared. The once tropical paradise has been redused to a ghostly underworld whose very air carries the poison of death. None who have venturued here has ever returned.

    Thangmar (Isle of Ice)
    An icy wilderness of snow-covered mountains and vast plains of ice, Thangmar is home to the icerealm of the Thangan people. The only trees are on it's southern shores. To the far north lie the frozen needles, a vast plain of gigantic icycle spears, while the centre of the island is a flat plain of snow.

    Jaymar (Island Spire)
    The origins of this incredible and illogical structure is unknown. It could not have been created natuarally, you see, as it shrusts up, near vertically, from the deepest deapths of the ocean floor high into the clouds. A thin staircase has been cut into the grey rock cliffs, spiralling upwards from the vertical shores up to its very top. No one has ever survived the climb.

    Belmarin (?)
    [What could be so special about these..? Need help here.]

    Vanmarin (Northern Isles)
    These mountainous islands are covered in jaged cliffs and ice-covered peaks. The only flat land on the largest of these islands are the north shores. Even there, a trip to the sea means a deadly fall onto the jaged rocks below. The flat land creates a path between the islands, completed by gigantic wood and cable bridhes built into the cliffs between the islands. These bridges link to the nearby continents, aswell as the islands, creating a gigantic bridge between Vanatar and Enaetar.

    Denaymarin (Bridging Isles - Not labelled on the map)
    The island chain spanning from the Cape of Vanatar southwest to the Horn of Elnar, the Denaymarin act as a bridge between Vanatar and Duratar. They are largely alpine in climate with scattered swamps on some of the islands. The natives live in simple straw homes and have build barges to ferry travelers between the islands and the mainland.

    Lithomarin (Storm Isles)
    These bare stone islands in the middle of Lithogar are the called Lithomarin because of the stormy sea they rest in. Some may be completely submerged by waves at times and their are always clouds and heavy winds over these islands. They are a dangerous rest stop between the East and West of Rhothar when traveling by ship.

    Unmar (?)
    [What could be so special about this one..? Need help with this too, please.]

    -»Oceans, Bays, Lakes and Atols


    Shingar (Churning Waters)

    Chogar (Warm Waters)

    Elegar (Calm Waters)

    Lithogar (Storm Sea)

    Thangar (Ice Sea)

    Bays and Atols: (Only the most natable)

    Hunar (Central Atol - Not labelled on map)

    Telnar (Enclosed Bay)

    Thionar (Rocky Bay)

    Bornar (Hidden Atol - Not labelled on map)

    Ongnar (Narowing Bay)

    Ginar (Blizzard Bay)

    Cornar (Bay of Magic/Scorcery)

    Sulnar (Paradise Bay)

    Suranar (Wet Bay)

    Fornar (Bay of Fog)

    Duranar (Dry Bay)

    Lakes: (Only the most natable)

    *Continue in next post*
    Last edited by Rhotherian; 05-20-2010 at 02:09 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    -»Geological/Climatic Areas

    1) Outremar (Our Home Island - Technically "Home (out) of us (re) island (mar)" as would be spoken in basic Rhotharen (the common language of Rhothar) )
    *No pics of this yet*

    2) Vana Suratar (North Wet Land (North Suratar))
    (Basically Atlantean)

    3) Siromar (Isle of Ghosts)
    (This, just abit more evil/underworld looking)

    4) Suravan (The West Chain)

    5) Hitarin (The Golden Fields)

    6) Duratarin (The Dry Plains)

    7) Vanazeal Duratar (Northeast Dry Land (Duratar))

    8.) Gorelarin (The Torn Mountains)
    (Basically a fusion between the Grand Canyon and the Himalayas)

    9) Vanatarin (The Northern Plain)

    10) Thangtarin (The Ice/Frozen Lands)
    (Imagine this with a blizzard)

    *Continue in next post*
    Last edited by Rhotherian; 05-20-2010 at 02:11 PM.

  3. #3
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    11) Nerzuvan (The Black Chain)
    (This, only stormier and more cliffy)

    12) Cortarin (The Lands of Scorcery/Magic)

    13) Sultarin (The Paradise Plains)

    14) Oltarin (The Land of Trees)

    15) Hileolarin (The Piercing Mountains)

    16) Garobarin (The Green Hills)

    17) Denaysar (The Crossing Valley)

    18.) Solunetarin (The Flowering Fields)
    (Note: These flowers are about the size of people)

    19) Thiotarin (The Shear Lands)
    (Note: This is meant to be a viking-ish environment)

    *Continue in next post*
    Last edited by Rhotherian; 05-20-2010 at 02:13 PM.

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    20) Chotarin (The Warm Lands)

    21) Hutarin (The Central Lands)

    22) Vana Lithotar (Northern Stormland (Lithotar))

    23) Solagarin (The Sand Sea)

    24) Mana Solatarin (The Southern Sand Fields)

    25) Lithomarin (The Storm Isles)

    -»Tectonic Map

    Red Lines = Fault Lines (The less straight the lines, the more frequent and large the earthquakes in that area)
    Red Dots = Volcanoes
    Large Red Dots = Super Volcanoes
    Black Arrows = Plate Movement

    -»Ocean Currents

    Red Arrows = Warm Currents
    Blue Arrows = Cold Currents


    In the distant past, the microcontinent of Outremar was a gigantic shield volcano that gently sloped downward into the Chogar, Shingar and Elegar Oceans. The volcano had been dormant long before men found their way to Outremar as it‘s magma filled interior drained and hollowed out. In more recent antiquity however, a terrible earthquake shook the great volcano to it’s core. The earthquake caused much of the inland region of the Outremar volcano to collapse and fall into the deep hollow center, forming a huge caldera. The earthquake tore chasms and valleys through the continent all the way to the oceans, allowing a great flood of seawater to pour into the caldera, creating the atoll of Hunar as we know it today, this is why the shoreline of the sea in the middle of the atoll, the Basthis Sea, is made up of jagged, sheer cliff faces while the outer shore is gentle and mostly consists of sandy beaches.

    Outremar’s climate is quite warm. Moist ocean winds blow from the east, drenching the eastern slopes of Outremar in drain and coating it with jungle, and in the case of the great eastern cape and the cape islands, a forest of giant, bioluminescent mushrooms and other fungi. On the northern and southern slopes of the great atoll of Outremar, the rainforest makes way for verdant grassland, nicked with ravines and chasms and studded with small stands of palm trees and other jungle-esque growth. To the west, the grasslands become dry savannah grasslands, as the moist winds from the west are depleted of water. On the far western slopes, the deserts and dune ergs can be found, where the coastal sand mixes with black sand from volcanic rock to form a distinct grayish sand.


    Place Names:
    'ar = Place - The starting letter indicates what the place is (lake/river/mountain/island/etc.)
    Thar = World (Eg. "Rhothar" = "The World")
    Tar = Continent (Eg. "Enaetar" = "Clouded Land (continent)")
    Tarin = Area of land - field/plain/platuae (Eg. "Hitarin" = "Golden Fields")
    Mar = Island / Isolated group of islands (not a chain) (Eg. "Thangmar" = "Ice/Frozen Island")
    Marin = Islands (spread group or chain) (Eg. "Lithomarin" = "Stom(y) Isles")
    Gar = Ocean (Eg. "Elegar" = "Calm Waters (ocean)")
    Garin = Sea (Eg. "Nerzugarin" = "Black Sea")
    Nar = Bay/Atol (Eg. "Chonar" = "Warm Bay")

    Vana = North
    Zeal = East
    Mana = South
    Ore = West
    Haveh = Up
    Zen = Down
    Nal = Left
    Ban = Right

    Blure = Red
    Jayta = Maroon
    Vandor = Purple
    Croma = Indigo
    Zam = Blue
    Zamgaro = Sea Green
    Garo = Green
    Keel = Chartreuse
    Yan = Yellow
    Bara = Blaze Yellow
    Ion = Orange
    Liso = Magenta
    Jayra = Brown
    Hita = Gold
    Suhnbrar = Silver (metalic gray)
    Suhn = Prefix for "metalic"
    Nerzu = Black / Prefix for "dark"
    Brar = Gray / Prefix for "dull"
    Seo = White / Prefix for "light"

    NOW! What I need/would like help with:

    -I need help with maps (detailed versions of each continent and a possible better world map)
    -I need help with the descriptions of some of the places on Rhothar, including oceans
    -I'd like to know how to make a 3D planet representation of the map with Google Earth (I've seen people do it, I just can't figure out how to do it myslef... =/)
    -I need to think up a story line for the world
    -I need you to have fun with this!! ^^
    Last edited by Rhotherian; 05-22-2010 at 10:53 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    Woops. Sorry for extra post. I may make use of this later.
    Last edited by Rhotherian; 05-20-2010 at 02:24 PM.

  6. #6
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected zhar2's Avatar
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    Looking nice (besides avatar pics)

  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer Rhotherian's Avatar
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    What exactly do you meen by "besides avatar pics"?

  8. #8
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected zhar2's Avatar
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    Some look similar to avatar enviroments, like 13 and 14.

    and the pictures seem to lack continuity, but over all its a good start.

  9. #9
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    I don't really care where the pics come from I just like the idea of showing what the terrain looks like by using those pics. Helps give a real feel for the land. Lots of info to digest and I didn't read it all but the maps looks good so far.
    If the radiance of a thousand suns was to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One...I am become Death, the Shatterer of worlds.
    -J. Robert Oppenheimer (father of the atom bomb) alluding to The Bhagavad Gita (Chapter 11, Verse 32)

    My Maps ~ My Brushes ~ My Tutorials ~ My Challenge Maps

  10. #10
    Guild Journeyer
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    Cool, I like to see a world built from the ground up.

    "WIP" stands for "Work in Progress"

    Your concept of "cold" and "warm" currents is a little off though. It's a relative concept. A "cold" current at the equator is much warmer than a "cold" current closer to the poles.

    As the currents move around they adjust toward the ambient temperature. There may be some exceptions, but here's how it works in a nutshell:
    if a current moves a significant distance toward the equator, it's going to be a cold current, since any other source of water is going to be colder.
    Similarly, if a current moves a significant distance away from the equator, it will be a warm current.

    Especially around Duratar, the currents don't follow this patterns.

    Also, using the most common method of wrapping a sphere with a map, your North pole gets pretty distorted.

    Hopefully you are aware of these kind of issues, and have some sort of projection in mind that avoids this problem. I'm not very experience in other projections, and am not sure that any projection can avoid this problem, but i thought you would want to know, if you didn't have something in mind here.

    EDIT: i've wanted an easy explanation of how to check for polar distortion before, so i through together a quick tutorial of my method, here:

    Please forgive the promotion of my own tutorial, but i haven't found another explanation of how to do this.
    Last edited by jwbjerk; 05-20-2010 at 10:04 PM.

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