View Poll Results: Vote for >>>TWO<<< LOOK AT THAT NUMBER!!!

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  • Go Yurt! - by Jaxilon

    13 27.66%
  • Brushy, Kansas - by mearrin69

    37 78.72%
  • Lost Hope - by cereth

    22 46.81%
  • Judenaia - by Icestorm008

    3 6.38%
  • The Plot Hook Tavern - by ravells

    2 4.26%
  • The Tin Man's Map - by Crayons

    7 14.89%
  • Noon Hanging - by tilt

    1 2.13%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: *** August 2010 Challenge Voting - In the Beginning: A Campaign Starter ***

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  1. #1
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    Default *** August 2010 Challenge Voting - In the Beginning: A Campaign Starter ***

    August's challenge was to create a map for use as a starting point for an adventure. There was no limit to genre or the scale of the place represented. I think it is incumbent upon all of us to just the participants based on their adherence to the stated challenge, as well as the other aspects of entry, in order to reward their ability to work within a set of parameters. That said, it is up to you, the member of the Cartographer's Guild, to ultimately decide which entries deserve your vote.

    You can find the thumbnails...


    Please choose two entries. Our rules state that we allow one vote for each five entries, rounded down, but that feels unfairly restrictive when there are over five, so I'm going to break it for the second month in a row. Feel free to explain your vote or not, as you wish. Even at this stage, honest criticism is a blessing.

    PLEASE GIVE REP TO THE ONES YOU VOTE FOR (along with anyone else you think is deserving).

    Finally, I want to extend my appreciation and congratulations to all who participated in this month's challenge. The entries are all outstanding, and I believe you're all deserving of reputation for "letting it all hang out" in the toughest map competition on the intertubes.

  2. #2
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    I found all of the entries to be superbly done and immensely entertaining. With my busy schedule this month, I haven't been able to follow the challenge closely, so I went with less critical judgement and more emotional response to the pieces and, as a result, my votes went to Jaxilon and cereth. I thought Jax's yurt was creative and interesting, and his demon goat locked my vote. For cereth, it was the balance and feel of quality the entry exuded, a trick I've never really mastered myself, in spite of many attempts.

    Rep to all of you guys for all the work you put in!
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  3. #3
    Guild Artisan Juggernaut1981's Avatar
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    Ummm... Mearrin, that's a shot out of the park... Well Done dude.
    Cereth gets my other vote... nicely done dude.
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  4. #4
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Cereth and Mearrin have the most outstanding maps but I voted for Ravs and Mearrin. I can't really explain why other than to say that they feel more "starting point" to me. I'm a bad judge this month.
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  5. #5
    Community Leader mearrin69's Avatar
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    I voted for Jax...didn't notice to vote for two, whoops. Would have vote for Crayons if I had realized. Wasn't big on the 3D stuff but I dug his 2D map. Seemed to tell a story even though I didn't know what it was. Nice job everyone!

    Edit: Yeah, only voted for one...DESPITE the rather large notice at the top of the poll!

  6. #6
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    Great entries all around and what can I say... GO YURT! I really love that idea and the warm coloring, and the dampening of the outside made was a good choice Jax
    mearrin get my other vote, love the composition with the letter and the picture and the gun on top - very nice ideed
    Crayons map was cool but ended up a bit noisy and to sharp in my opion.
    Icestorms looked good but didn't really fit my personal idea of a campaignstarter.
    cereths map was beautiful done and I like the composition of that also, just not as much as jax's and mearrins
    Ravells didn't get to finish - but I do believe he talked about locking himself out of the competition because he saw it a a community entry - in my opion it wasn't - he just got advice as all other mappers ... if he had finished the 3D version of that inn that might have been a contender indeed

    Good challenge all - rep is on the way
    regs tilt
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  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer Aelyn's Avatar
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    Tought decision, but in the end i found my favourites: To me, without doubt, the coolest map is Go Yurt! I'm a fan of Mongolian culture, plus I think it is a rather uncommon setting. I like fresh ideas! And from an artistic point of view I really love the details and colours. I'd so love to use this map in my own roleplaying Go Jax!

    Second vote goes to mearrin. In my opinion the map alone isn't as spectacular as Jax's, but the compilation is great. The very clean style of the map fits perfectly, and the rest seems like a perfect plot hook. My vote for you, mearrin!

    If you'll now excuse me, I've got to spread some love... ehm rep.
    Now that the warm fuzzy part is over we can get back to the ritual dismemberments. Oh wait, it's not Tuesday is it?

  8. #8
    Guild Novice
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    [Sorry to interrupt the vote thread, but are noobs (such as me) allowed to vote in this contest? Couldn't find any info / rules about this.][Answered below]

    Awrighty then, green light to vote!

    First vote goes to Crayons "Tin Mans map". Although I personally think the colors are a bit strong and that the grid detracts from the map, the Chinese-inspired map looks as an outstanding starting point for an adventure, trying to decode the cryptic message.

    Second vote goes to Mearrin's "Brushy". Both the setting and the map looks great!

    ...I dont think I can rep with only 12 posts right?
    Last edited by krolac; 08-31-2010 at 12:56 PM. Reason: voting!

  9. #9
    Guild Journeyer Avengeil's Avatar
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    My first vote went for Jax and Go Yurt due to the coloring and the interesting idea.
    My second one went to Mearrin because of the interesting story plot.
    Noon Hanging made me laugh. That's such a cool idea and it's too bad that tilt wasn't able too do a bit more work on it.
    Rep to everyone.

  10. #10
    Community Leader Immolate's Avatar
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    Not only are you allowed to vote, your vote counts as much as anyone's, so please do. If you're interested, we'd love you to participate.
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