Hi lads,
I'm Paul, aslo know as Anoril. I draw maps for many years as I master RPG games since I'm 13.
I'm used to working with Campaign Cartographer from Profantasy but for few months, I discovered TerraFicta Project which is referenced in these pages.
I've done a long training on Terraficta and decided to share it with every one on a website: Amariss - Atlas Mundi. On this site, one can navigate in the land of Amariss a large island in the Farhaze Ocean ("Lointebrume" in French) on the world of Draconis (no map available for now...) and take on closer look on many places arorund: cities, villages, lone castles and so on.
Just a point: the website is actually in French but soon will be available in English too. Places descriptions are in French also but won't be translated as the site is originally developped to share and customise maps. To have a look on the full map, without any restriction from the site, follow this link.
This map was design to fulfill a Rolemaster Campaign I'm writing for friends. Not all 2000 places of interest are described yet but maybe in the future it will...
Have a good journey to these fantasy lands...