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Thread: Dog House Rules seeks maps for new product

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  1. #1

    Help Dog House Rules seeks maps for new product

    I'm new to this site. I'm the Creative Director and Vice-President of Dog House Rules (DHR), the folks who brought you Sidewinder: Recoiled and other Wild West RPG products.

    We are nearly ready to publish our first fantasy RPG product (Quick Quests: Eggscellent Opportunity) but we have hit a snag with maps. The person who has produced the maps for our Wild West products isn't available.

    Essentially, we need three outdoor "lair" maps. In the past, we have used CC2 and CC3 to produce maps, but we aren't too picky about how these are produced, as long as they meet our needs. We usually include battle-mat versions in our pdf products, so CC3 was helpful in that regard. In my current thinking, the battle-mat versions would be a bonus, not a requirement.

    I have already done crude sketch maps that would give a good jump start (I hope). And we would provide the product text so a cartographer could read the lair descriptions.

    We are willing to pay for these (although our budget is small). If you are interested and could work with us immediately, please post a reply here, or contact me directly at If you send a direct email, make sure to indicate something about "maps for QQEO" in the subject line so I'll recognize it right away. If you could include (or point to) a sample of your work, that would help a lot.

    Meanwhile, feel free to visit our web-site ( if you aren't familiar with our company and want to learn more before getting in touch with me.

    Thank you.


  2. #2
    Guild Member Publius's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2007
    Flint, Michigan


    Just so that you know, you have an email headed your way with the title "Regarding Cartographer's Guild Post: member Publius" please drop a line here if you do not recieve it so that I can resend.

    While I am aware that this is a fantasy project, I am a huge fan of Westerns personally, kudos for helping liven up this genre.

  3. #3


    I received a few contacts already, thanks to everyone who sent an email. I'm reviewing the samples and will be contacting each of you individually, soon.

    There's still time for others to throw a hat in the ring . . . I'll be reviewing samples with the rest of the Dog House Gang in the next couple of days.


  4. #4
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected TheRedEpic's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Portland. OR


    Hey there CSW,

    I have sent you an Email already, here is a link onto my work here on the guild:

    I work for a host of online companies doing professional maps of all types, including area, town, city, and continental. Please take a look at my work on my website as well:

    Hopefully we can work something out,

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