View Poll Results: Do you want a map challenge between the CBG and the CG

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  • Yes, let's challenge this alliance

    18 100.00%
  • No, let's do something else

    0 0%
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Thread: Challenge between the Guilds (the old Alliance)

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  1. #1

    Default Challenge between the Guilds (the old Alliance)

    The Campaign Builders Guild will soon be having their link posted at the CG as part of the old Alliance of Guilds, we once maintained between our sites. After talking with Nomadic (admin of and both RobA and Arcana, the link here will be reinstated along with the old Alliance site.

    In celebration of this, the CBG would like to sponsor a cross guild contest, first a setting contest will be done by the CBG, and the winner there will have a mapping challenge here based on the winning setting idea - there will be a prize of some sort.

    So how about it, a prize winning challenge using the winner of the CBG's own contest winner as a future challenge?

    Here's a link to their website --


    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  2. #2


    I hope my workload at the time allows me to partake of this.

  3. #3
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    I think this is a GREAT idea

    I love cross pollination
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

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  4. #4
    Community Leader Jaxilon's Avatar
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    That sounds awesome. Would we be releasing the final campaign like an actual product? I think that would be pretty cool if we had it bundled up almost like a professional document at the end.

    Either way, I'm in.
    “When it’s over and you look in the mirror, did you do the best that you were capable of? If so, the score does not matter. But if you find that you did your best you were capable of, you will find it to your liking.” -John Wooden

    * Rivengard * My Finished Maps * My Challenge Maps * My deviantArt

  5. #5
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    sounds like fun ... I hope this will end out as a free pdf then for all to enjoy
    regs tilt
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  6. #6


    Well pending my schedule for other publication and commission work, I'll volunteer my labor and skills at page layout and definitely create a free PDF product format for the final win and offer it from my site and even get it on RPGNow/Drive-Thru RPG as a free product download - publically promoting both sites of the Alliance. I think we should definitely do this.
    Gamer Printshop Publishing, Starfinder RPG modules and supplements, Map Products, Map Symbol Sets and Map Making Tutorial Guide
    DrivethruRPG store

    Artstation Gallery - Maps and 3D illustrations

  7. #7
    Community Leader Facebook Connected tilt's Avatar
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    If you don't have the time (when time comes) I'll lend a hand
    regs tilt
    :: My DnD page Encounter Depot free stuff for your game :: My work page Catapult ::
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  8. #8
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    Sounds like a great idea
    I am the breath of Dragons...The Song of Mountains...The Stories of Rivers....The Heart of Cities.... I am A Cartographer....

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  9. #9
    Community Leader Guild Sponsor Gidde's Avatar
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    That sounds fantastic.

  10. #10


    I love cross-site connections like this, and I am always interested in a prize! I love large-scale events like this and the NY mapping challenge, and always really appreciate the efforts of folks like Torstan and GamePrinter!

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