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Thread: Kith'takharos Village Map

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Andugus's Avatar
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    Map Kith'takharos Village Map

    I received an happy birthday email and I realized all I have ever done here is observe the work of others. Today I will give back a small piece. I would like to thank this community for being there 24/7 with inspiring artists and cartographers.

    My partner and I have been developing a set of adventures to work in a single village named Kith'takharos. It is our hope that such a place could be set within any GM's world without hassle. Our first adventure is due out for release at iCon, the online tabletop roleplaying convention in March.

    Here is the village map of Kith'takharos created for the setting location.

    Last edited by Andugus; 10-11-2011 at 11:38 PM. Reason: Update Link

  2. #2


    Nice map! I like the original compass is a part of a themed set (agricultural for an agricultural village, mining for a mining village, etc.)?

    Also - is there a reason you chose not to draw in any roads/paths?

    -Rob A>

  3. #3
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    What will the name of the event be called at iCon? I would like to check it out.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

    Please make an effort to tag all threads. This will greatly enhance the usability of the forums.

  4. #4
    Guild Novice Andugus's Avatar
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    The paths were an issue for me to sort out. You see the villagers tend to move where there is the least amount of mud, though it changes from storm to storm. Technically, I did start with paths but, they did not seem to add any value to the legibility of this work. People move by skiff as much as by foot. Someday I will have to approach this again as my skill increases with each passing work.

    I am closing in on finishing my first year of college pursuing Graphic Design. I did not want to rely on college to provide day to day working knowledge of the software or techniques. I feel that is beyond the scope of college. These maps are my way of practicing my new craft while giving back to the hobby that has given me so many good times.

    The color of background, typography, scale bar, and compass rose are all of my illustration and design. It is my intention to change out the compass rose and scale bar design with each setting location. This will allow me to get some mileage out of work while unifying this work as distinctly "Kith'takharos."

    Here is a link to the game my partner and I are running. We have chosen four game times to accommodate as many players as possible.
    Last edited by Andugus; 01-16-2008 at 08:18 PM.

  5. #5
    Community Leader RPMiller's Avatar
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    Thanks for the game info.
    Bill Stickers is innocent! It isn't Bill's fault that he was hanging out in the wrong place.

    Please make an effort to tag all threads. This will greatly enhance the usability of the forums.

  6. #6
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Nicely done! I like most aspects of this map--although visually the multi-colored houses do nothing for me. Do they have significance (ex: red=a certain industry, etc.)? I also notice the absence of a river and a well; this could be important info on a map such as this too (perhaps).

    Thanks for posting, and good luck with this neat project!

    (PS: in what part of Michigan do you live? I'm in Perry, between Lansing and Flint.)
    My gallery is here
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    "Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]

  7. #7
    Guild Novice Andugus's Avatar
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    I hail from Holly, a town very close to yours Pyrandon. If you have a gaming group with an opening maybe I could join you. I would occasionally offer to have the group play test material as it is developed.

    As to the river and or well. There is a fresh water source at the Keep located up top. All water is controlled from this point. The natural decline from the keep to the light house allows gravity to send water into cisterns. The plumbing is not visible and most houses have small cisterns that could pump the water in. The colors are choices made by the locals for their dyed thatching or tiles, depending on the structure.

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