I'm new here - found the URL on EN World. I'm a female gaming geek from Germany and the DM of several RPG groups. One of them is rather large (13 players) and plays an epic D&D campaign which already goes on for 8 months and will at least last for 2 more years if nothing happens. And yeah, we did this before and it worked, so I hope for a cool repeat.
With such a large group, I've decided to create a whole world again (there are 13 worlds altogether but I'll only be able to flash out the main world). Given my limited financial opportunities, I'm mapping with AutoREALM and while not very good at it I think, made good progress. The world gets filled in as the game goes (I do not believe in limiting possibilities beforehand).
I've also done lots of smaller maps before (hand drawn as teenager and then later with computers) but as it is, that's a long time back and I lost most of them. I might be able to recover some of my Star Wars/Star Trek stuff though when I'm in my parent's place again.
I'm hoping to get an idea what mapping program to use in the future, as I am not all that happy with AutoREALM. Especially not with its tendency to crash on me with the larger files and then messing the symbols up. I spent 2 hrs a few days ago fixing it once more. *sigh* I'd also like to be able to create detailed and varied floor maps/town maps in colour in the future, which does not really work well with AutoREALM.
I'm also hoping to find more maps/worlds to use for my epic campaign as one world is enough work already. I'm creative enough to fill 13 worlds but there's this annoying thing called real life and the even more annoying shortness of a day
I might not always post much, especially now that there is a family crisis and I might be away for weeks at a time (when in my parent's place). I'm sure I can learn a lot though. Nice to meet you all.
Oh yeah, and I'm on the autism spectrum, so if i word my posts weird at times or step on someone's toes, that's not intended, I'm just bad with communication at times.