Hello everybody !
The last time I presented you some of my work was a long time ago, but I'm back ^^
I'm still French, so my English is still not perfect.
So, this is the new version of the map of my RPG world, Niil. The previous one was elaborated here.
This time, I try to make something more realistic, "geographically & geologically-speaking".
I also decided that I definitely prefer hand-drawn style, but because I'm a very bad "hand-drawer", I tried to make my hand-drawn-style-map with GIMP and these site's tutorials.
And because you definitely rock, I think I made it ^^
Here's the result without labels ; they will be in French, I know perfectly what font I'll use, and they are not really interesting for you I think.
There are no towns and roads too ... I just forgot them, but they aren't really important too
The area in orange is a rock desert created by magic, that's why there's no transition between the grass and the desert.
The plate in the north is also some magic stuff.
They are the only things in the map which are not supposed to look realistic.
I don't already know if I'll use the one with colours, or the one without.
So, what do you think of all of it ?