This is a map I threw togeather in a few days. My friend and I will be gaming StarMada style in on this map as a conquere all to win the game. We expect this "campaign" to last for a long time.
Made in CC3.
I hope you enjoy.
This is a map I threw togeather in a few days. My friend and I will be gaming StarMada style in on this map as a conquere all to win the game. We expect this "campaign" to last for a long time.
Made in CC3.
I hope you enjoy.
Last edited by MadCartographer; 05-27-2011 at 12:02 AM.
User of:
CC2 & CC3, FT Pro Exclusively.
If it's ProFantasy, I'm using it.
Looks like you're going to have quite a bit of fun with that one.
“Maps encourage boldness. They're like cryptic love letters. They make anything seem possible.”
-Mark Jenkins
That's the plan.
User of:
CC2 & CC3, FT Pro Exclusively.
If it's ProFantasy, I'm using it.
O-M-G! It's the Hong Kong of Star Maps! (density wise) heh... you know you guys are all giving me an inferiority complex right?
Now I'll have to finish setting up my own website and transferring all my old pictures from the Art Gallery on That way I can have something to look at while I redo everything. Arg!
Crazy amount of detail. Looks cool, kind of like a giant molecule.
Nice use of the Traveller sector template. My gaming group and I are doing a similar Starmada campaign, except we're going for more of a 4X style system. I wrote up some homebrew campaign rules. I'm going to try and get at least portions of my map up sometime this week.
Thanks, I enjoyed making the map, but the OnLine game fell threw. Oh well.
User of:
CC2 & CC3, FT Pro Exclusively.
If it's ProFantasy, I'm using it.