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Thread: Unnamed River-Coast Thorp

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  1. #1

    Wip Unnamed River-Coast Thorp

    Hello all!

    I welcome you to the yet unnamed thorp I created yesterday.

    Right in front of everything else but the greeting, I want to give thanks to palehorse, for i "borrowed" the style he showed in his most recent map I have seen on this board.

    The map contains a bridge over a small river who mounds into a greater sea or ocean. All around the transition to the river/sea is about one or two meters straight down. Two locations have "sandbanks", where one can easily gain access to the waters. One is a private footbridge for fishing purposes, whilst the other one is a sandy patch where a small tower sits, sporting a guiding-fire in the night. On the very same sandy patch is also a small cave in the north, where anything could be... be it a dwarven home, a creatures lair or just some random cave, used by locals for religious purposes.

    Here we go, folks!
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  2. #2
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Madletter, this is fantastic! You have captured not only the form of the pen & ink style perfectly, but also the nuances, the feel of it! I hope when (and if) you ink this that latter effect is not lost, as the pencil shadings are a great portion of the pleasing aesthetic effect.

    What a great first map post! Excellent! Can't wait to see more!
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  3. #3


    I must admit I no nothing about inking. I am trying to use photoshop to colour it right now, although its a bit hard
    Any tips are welcome, as is your praise - in fact, thanks for encouragement!

    Also I might add, its my first time trying a map like this. Most other maps I made up to now are more hard-lines and a little shaded here and there, not much to see

    Im working on different stuff and I might get the hang on it!

    Ahem... More opinions, please!

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    I really like it too. The one thing that stands out is the nice way that each of the surface types are instantly recognizable even with this gray shaded drawing. For example, the beach and the water have the right kind of texture to them. Its amazing how often I am looking at uncolored stuff and wondering what it is I am looking at only to breath a big sigh of obviousness when I see the coloring done on it. It would seem to me that only a light amount of coloring is necessary on this sort of map.

    I should add that I too loved palehorses map and style so I reckon its a good one to 'borrow'.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 02-23-2008 at 03:42 PM.

  5. #5


    Thanks again!

    I myself like the deisgn, too.

    Here again a great THANKS goes to palehorse, whose style i copied I made a few slight changes (shading) and that's it.

  6. #6



    I worked from starting this post to now and I think I have a good coloration finished and well...

    I present to you the now named thorp of

    Bannon's Crossing

    enjoy and leave many comments
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