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Thread: March Entry: Timmy's Random Dungeon

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  1. #1

    Post March Entry: Timmy's Random Dungeon

    Okay, this month is purely for laughs. i'm not trying to win it, i just want to have a good time and myabe make a few folks grin. i'll let the dungeon master who is creating the map take the reigns.


    My name is Timmy, and i'm 13 years old. i just got the basic set, and i want to be the DM. so i found these random dungeon tables and went about trying to make them work. i think it will be a small dungeon because i only want a few encounters. i know one of them is going to be a spider lair because i have a tarantula and i like spiders because spiders rock! then i want a cave with a elf in it because il ike elfs too.

    then i'm going to have a few maze like passages and lots of secret doors because my players always look for them and i want to have a lot. and i want some in the maze because i like mazes too.

    and these mazes were made by ant monsters too. not just big ants, but ants with intelligence. okay, so that's it. i'll start on the map tomorrow.

  2. #2
    Administrator Facebook Connected Robbie's Avatar
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    Oh this is going to be good. Timmy sounds like my first dungeon master. (I was 14 at the time, prior to that I was always the DM)
    Fantaseum (

    Robbie Powell - Site Admin

  3. #3


    So this is my dungeon. i rolled on the random charts in the old Dungeon Master Guide my uncle JP gave me. i like this book better than the edition i have. this one has a lot more tables and charts but its hard to read because the type is so small. but the artifacts and all the really cool magic items are neat. and the picture on the cover is kewl. it even has a dungeon map but it only describes the first three rooms so thats not really helpful. and they have a spider in that one too. and thats neat because i like spiders.

    anyway, i rolled up this dungeon and drew it in pencil and then traced over it. i like to make lots of notes on my map to make sure i don't forget anything. so if it is a little hard to read that's my fault.

    i looked at some of my uncles old maps and saw he did the cross hatching around the edges so i decided to do the same thing. i think it looks neat so i'll do that on all my maps from now on.

    since the random rolls make it look wierd i figured the caves were built by the formian workers in room 5 and then somebody came and put up the doors later. maybe Helvar the Elf in room 1.

    i hope you like it. i worked all day on it.
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  4. #4
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Okay, TM, you already won one Challenge--let the rest of us have a chance, will ya?
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  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer alucard339's Avatar
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    So hi Timmy,


    I've brought my character for today's game.

    *adjust glasses; sniff*

    And some empty sheet I create with daddy new commodore 64 computer, in case someone forgot his sheet.

    *He he he (my dad's better than yours)*

    I'm ready to kill some dragon or demon bug with my Robin Hood char.
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    Last edited by alucard339; 03-06-2008 at 07:30 PM. Reason: change some text error
    Let my fangs find your neck, during the night, so that I can drink your knowledge ...

    So it could be use here :

  6. #6


    okay Alu, i'll take your character but you have to explain to me why you have a 16 comeliness and a 5 charisma. there's a negative penalty of 3 for your charisma, so if you rolled a 19 on 3 dice, i would like to know how this happened.

    oh, and i'll let you adjust your hit points back up to full. if you are going into my dungeon, you're going to need it. bwa ha! find some other players and you're on. we need a wizard and a thief for the secret doors and traps. and maybe a cleric would do. i don't have any undead in the dungeon but you might need it for healing.

    and change your character's name. i think legolas would be better. you would end up knowing the king aragorn in my campaign world. my sister wants to play a dwarf thief with a short bow. she hasn't played ever, so i'm going to be teaching her.

    i guess i'll have to bring in a wizard, theodorus the wise, my 18th level character i made last week. he rocks. he'll help you fight the bad guys in this map.

    i only have a couple of miniatures that my uncle gave me so your character will probably be represented by the yellow sorry game piece. and i don't have dice. i just have chits in a plastic cup my mom gave me.

    (anyone remember the days of chits?.....)

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by pyrandon View Post
    Okay, TM, you already won one Challenge--let the rest of us have a chance, will ya?

    don't worry don. if i win i'll be surprised. there's so many others that are so much better. i can't wait to see all the entries. this one is going to be a tight race. there's so many out there that are better than mine. yes, i'll be honored if i win, but come on.... i've got nothing on some of the others. i probably won't even vote for myself, the others are just that good.

  8. #8
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
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    Holy carnie corn, Alu--that was a freaking riot (and tm's response only iced the cake!) hahahahaa
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    "Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]

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