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Thread: Maps for my novels

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  1. #1

    Help Maps for my novels

    Hello everyone, I am in the process of the final editing of two fantasy novels. The first book in particular, is almost ready to be sent to various agents, but I'd like to have a nicer map and perhaps some drawings before I ship it off.

    As I am unpublished (as of now), there will be no monetary payment for this, but in the case the book gets published, and the map is included (editor/publisher's call, naturally), you will of course be credited.

    Anyway, before I dive off on a tangent, the work I am requesting is this:

    Take my homemade maps of the world and the nation where the novel plays out (two rough maps), and re-create them into something more visually appealing.

    If interested, please contact me at: sbkrsc AT gmail DOT com. (insert @ and . please, its just a precaution to avoid spambots). I can then send you the maps.

  2. #2
    Community Leader pyrandon's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    Michigan, USA


    Just want to add a quick "good luck" with the publishing attempt, Paragon. That's quite a difficult and arduous journey you are on, and I wish you nothing but the best! Go get 'em!
    My gallery is here
    __________________________________________________ _______
    "Keep your mind in hell, but despair not." --Saint Silouan [1866-1938]

  3. #3


    Thank you kindly, Pyrandon, much appreciated.

  4. #4


    Update: A wonderful artist is now hard at work on this project.

    Thanks everyone for the interest; I expect to hang out here more often from now on. This seems like a very strong community. Thank you all once again!

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