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Thread: [WIP] Commission-Map for the Sleeping Gods Savage World Campaignbook

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  1. #1
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Wip [WIP] Commission-Map for the Sleeping Gods Savage World Campaignbook

    Today I can post a WIP of the Map I do for the Sleeping Gods Savage World Campaignbook. It is a Book, published for the German Savage World, and contains a commisioned map from me. In the Beginning I got a Sketch from the author of the Book and some Backgroundinformations, concerning important Plotlocations, which needed more detailed Eyecatchers. I am very intensely working on this map the last Weekend and will hopefully learn a lot from it. The Main theme is a tornup continent in the North and Eastside of the Continent. Thats the reasons for the brokenup Islands at tjose sites.

    I am happy for any critique on the map, therefore its my second bigshot here at the CG.
    Thanks a lot!

    @Riverpolice: there are 3 monstrous Swampdeltas, so dont jump at me

    EDIT: I also develloped some House-Icons based on the System of Ramah´s Bouse Icons.
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    Last edited by Schwarzkreuz; 02-20-2012 at 07:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Guild Journeyer Facebook Connected
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    In fact, the river violation that i find most offensive is the fact that one of your rivers flows out of the mountains, and then uphill back into a mountain range.
    This cavern is below all, and is the foe of all. It is hatred, without exception. This cavern knows no philosophers; its dagger has never cut a pen. Its blackness has no connection with the sublime blackness of the inkstand. Never have the fingers of night which contract beneath this stifling ceiling, turned the leaves of a book nor unfolded a newspaper.

  3. #3
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lalaithion View Post
    In fact, the river violation that i find most offensive is the fact that one of your rivers flows out of the mountains, and then uphill back into a mountain range.
    Unless it is dropping from a plateau into a lower range of mountains. This style of map represents terrain, but doesn't necessarily provide a great guide to actual elevations. There's also a pretty clear valley through some of that second mountain range; I'd assume where it seems closed that the valley is simply narrower.

  4. #4
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rdanhenry View Post
    Unless it is dropping from a plateau into a lower range of mountains. This style of map represents terrain, but doesn't necessarily provide a great guide to actual elevations. There's also a pretty clear valley through some of that second mountain range; I'd assume where it seems closed that the valley is simply narrower.
    Yes the Mountains are much highter than the rest of the map and the river that flows throught the hills in the middle is a bit strange but the hills are in a in a dropping area and collects in the lake before overflowing it to the sea, all Water there in the middle of teh map, collects into this lake, so there are no other rivers emerge from it. The rain comes from southwest and hit the northern Mountains, and spare the hills. the surrounding area are not desserts but grasland, resulting from gletcher/melting aktivities from the mountains, some very long times ago.
    Last edited by Schwarzkreuz; 02-21-2012 at 05:29 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert rdanhenry's Avatar
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    Normally, I would say that those deltas are insane, but whole continent looks like it is crumbling around the edges, so I totally buy them in this context.

  6. #6
    Professional Artist cereth's Avatar
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    Looks cool...the crumbling shoreline is pretty nifty. The volcano looks pretty awesome too.
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  7. #7
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    True, it could be dropping into the mountains from a plateau. If this is the case, I would add a cliff or some visual notation of that.

    However, there should be rivers flowing out of said mountains to the eastern coast or the other nearby rivers. (Unless the terrain is really dry desert. Really dry.)
    This cavern is below all, and is the foe of all. It is hatred, without exception. This cavern knows no philosophers; its dagger has never cut a pen. Its blackness has no connection with the sublime blackness of the inkstand. Never have the fingers of night which contract beneath this stifling ceiling, turned the leaves of a book nor unfolded a newspaper.

  8. #8
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    I like a lot how well it's drawn. The river police will have something to say, but besides that, I find it very appealing. Good job!

  9. #9
    Professional Artist Facebook Connected Schwarzkreuz's Avatar
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    I dont see River issues so much as the deltas were intended to be Swamp/Marsh areas and the river in the Hill-land is flowing from highter ground to lower levels. And I also know that such huge Deltas are unreal, but the form the swampflows. Well I have seen examples of such marsh lands before on google maps, do you realy think them so unrealistic?

    THe Terrain is magicly altered from the setting anyway, but I would prefer to stick to realistic renders. So I am gratefull for the help here.

  10. #10
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    Tremendous stuff! How do you plan on using those house icons? Show us some finished work with those when you get around to it. Like them alot!

    You have serious talent, as I have said before. All your stuff makes me go wow!

    The River Police are right. I know you have a hard time with that. Other then that, Excellent map! If I have time(and energy) I will photoshop some changes to your rivers, then maybe it will make sense to you. I assume you have read the "River Police" Thread and the suggestions found there? Have you seen "Finding Nemo"? That movie said it best, "All drains lead to the ocean.".
    (Someone else with time and energy can you coach this budding talent on Rivers?)

    Anyway, TREMENDOUS!!!

    Last edited by Galendae; 02-23-2012 at 02:12 PM.

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