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Thread: Uploading Pictures and Thumbnails

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  1. #1
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
    Join Date
    Mar 2012
    Billings, Montana, United States

    Help Uploading Pictures and Thumbnails

    Hi all,

    I'm guessing there are a couple of issues here that I'm having problems with. First, unless I click on my album, none of my pictures are showing--no thumbnails. I seem to recall seeing a post that instructed us in formatting so thumbnails show, but I've gone all around the site and can't find it again.

    My second question is that I'd like to post a WIP... do I upload the picture there? Does it automatically become a thumbnail? Or is there a process to link to a picture in my album? I just didn't want to upload a picture and have it be this huge post because the thumbnail wasn't an automatic thing.

    I like to think of myself as being pretty well-versed in software and stuff, but I acknowledge that's one of my desperately held delusions, because I'm feeling fairly dim right now.

  2. #2


    In the tool bar, there is an attach icon (looks like a paper clip). Use that to upload an image. It will automatically create a thumbnail that ends up at the end of your post. If you want it in the middle of a post, clicking the same tool (paperclip) will give you a dropmenu of uploaded images in that post and let you put them inline by clicking.

    I think you can do the same thing by clicking the picture icon (insert image), but I always use the attachment method.

    -Rob A>

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