Project Scope:
Currently not looking to publish, market, make profit or anything of the sort (will inform Cartographer if that changes). Simply a side hobby of creating a new universe to roleplay within the Second Life platform. Our story spans several thousand years, but focuses within modern times, if you're curious of the setting and the story, it can be found here. As well as community roleplays the players have published:

Modern (2024) Though the map will more of the Medieval style. Posted links of style type below

Design Concept:
Our particular setting focuses on one city, though we've been looking to create a world map for players to get ideas from with regard to origin or background. I could either draw a sketch idea, or perhaps if the creator prefers to recreate something within their own imagination. My goal is to simply work with someone who's inspired, and if that means their own original idea rather than my own sketch, then I am perfectly fine and flexible to work with that... Cities however, I'll prefer to name (obviously =)).

Number of maps:
Overland World Map
Eventual City Map (Though this I am more interested in a later date)

Unfortunately, I am quite naive to styles and the work you all do, so please forgive my lack of knowledge, but here is examples of style I found within the community forums. I realize this quality
might not be exactly what I may get, this is simply a point of reference. Also, noting that despite it being a modern RPG, I am looking for an older style map such as these two!

Again, a bit naive, and willing to work with creator before project begins.


Please contact me in regards to pay. Would simply like to get an idea of quality before an agreed amount is established. Thank you for understanding.

Adam Triana
Please use subject line "The Fallen Map"