I do not know if this is the correct forum to post this topic in, but after reading the different forum topics, it seems to be the best place to start.
The current map I am working on, is for an island, in a temperate climate. Now Ive done a lot of research on various different kinds of Island climates, but I am wondering if maybe there is an easier or somewhat easier way to create this, this island climate.
I do not want or need a weather generator, I'm looking for something more specific, such as an island climate generator, or maybe a general climate generator, but something that can be specific, something that doesn't give me the WHOLE worlds climate, as I am working on one small part (a medium to small sized island)
I searched the forums and haven't found any kind of generator other than daily weather generators, that or I'm just blind to search options.
Ive yet to receive a reply on my introduction, so I somewhat doubt/wonder if Ill receive a reply to this post. (Maybe nobody likes hand drawn maps?)
Any help or advice would be much appreciated.
edit: the island itself, is a temperate oceanic climate, similar to Ireland's climate. It would be considered a continental island as well. You think this would be easy to figure out the climate, but meteorology and things like island weather are not my strong points. And trying to find info on google, etc, is turning up little info as well.