First and foremost its so kewl to see this website! I think I stumbled upon it so many years ago... but its just really awesome to see people that have map making as a hobby! I remember back in my child DM days, with graph paper and a mechanical pencil... and I thought I was doing awesomely. I was turbo wrong.... You guys would have made my gaming group at that time look like we were playing some fisher price game.
But, I degress..
So guys, I am currently working on designing an MMO, fantasy themed sandbox game. I haven't assembled a team yet, because im still in design stages.. Which generally just means you work solo or with the design team... the team consists of me......
However I am currently looking for someone who wants to help me design the world, visually... The game will be a sandbox game, so designing the world so that it works well with a "sandbox" will be important and is something that I think deserves a dedicated "map dude" to do. Plus it will make the world building part so much easier. I am planning on using HeroEngine, when production is started, however I still have to finish the game design, and technical design.
So if your a cartographer, and want to work with a professional level and organized project where what you do has a drastic say in the games design. Then please pm me. The position is open to more then one person, however I would love to get at least one person. So dig deep down guys and help me out.
If your really good at what you do we might be able to talk about some $$$ for your efforts... but right now I am at the point where a map would really have to blow me away for that.
If your interested in hearing more about my project just pm me. I want people to read this post so I will avoid anymore walls of text and just to wrap up this post now...
Please... Help...
Cant... do it... alone...