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Thread: Pacata Viator- Peaceful Traveller

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  1. #1

    Default Pacata Viator- Peaceful Traveller

    a map I have been working on for a few months, and the first map that I have ever uploaded here(yay for me).
    As far as i am concerned the map itself is finished, so anything else added to it is secondary not-needing-to-be-shown detail.

    was made through a combination of several tutorials and resources from the site, and also from my very basic and horrible understand of plate tectonics.of course im positive the mountains are not great but fixing them would require a lot more work and practice.

    Please enjoy


  2. #2
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    I like the font, but the color scheme for the map makes the font a bit of a glare on the eyes. Basically, it's a contrast issue.

    There's not much about the map, itself, that I like, except for maybe the shape of the continents. The water is atrocious. The land is plain, and barren of detail that invites the human eye to wander the land at length. In essence, the map neither grabs my interest, nor retains the interest that it never commands in the first instance.

    The names of the continents, themselves, are OK. They are pronounceable, which is always a plus in my book. The mountains I give two thumbs down to.

  3. #3


    Thank's for the critique, I was waiting to see if someone would say anything at all.
    the font and names were the last thing I did and took a matter of five minutes rather then any careful planing. and im disappointed in the mountains myself, when i originally did them it didn't look that bad to me but after i moved past them to far to turn back I hate them and couldn't do anything to fix it(other then make the map entirely from scratch again). as for the others issues it might be because I very badly combine two or more tutorials (from here of course) that might not excuse any of it but i hope it at least explains it, I'll try to do better with my other maps in future.

  4. #4
    Guild Master Facebook Connected jtougas's Avatar
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    I'd like to follow that review with a "less-harsh" version of it. I think the landmasses are great. The mountains aren't bad they are an interesting technique I don't think I've seen before. The font is very nice too. I think the only glaring thing is the glow around the landmasses. If you lowered the opacity on that you'd be going in the right direction. I have one question for you (well two actually) 1. Do you like this map? 2. Did you enjoy making it and did you learn anything that might make the next one a tiny bit better? If you can answer yes to those questions then you did a great job
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  5. #5
    Professional Artist Ashenvale's Avatar
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    Dawningwhispers, you're being way to hard on yourself! So is GrimFinger.

    This is the first map you've posted! Congratulations! Presenting your first offering is cause for celebration! We all get better by showing and sharing our work.

    Likewise, congratulations on welcoming the criticism! It takes guts to volunteer for critiques, but it takes more guts to hear them, process them, and use them to move forward. Well done!

    I'm with jtougas on this one. I LOVE the landmasses! I've seen better mountains from the experts, but these are pretty cool too. I'd love to see more landforms and waterways work into the rest of the interior spaces. Valleys, rivers, hill-lands, forests, and so on.

    My only serious suggestion would be to desaturate the vivid blue in the oceans and lighten them some. The electric, vibrant blue of the deep ocean areas overwhelms my eyes somewhat, distracting from the grace of the landmasses. If you reduce the chroma of the dark water to something more neutral, and lighten it some, the oceans won't compete adversely with the land, I think.

    Either way, thanks for offering your first map! Keep them coming!
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  6. #6


    I think it is one of the best maps I have done so far, though there are aspects of it that I do not like even though I made the call to use them and of course I am always learning and refining the way i do things to try to make them better. as for the glow im not sure if you are talking about the lighter shade of blue for the Sea which was intended as showing different depth or if its about the very light brown border to the continents. either way I think i shall take your advice there and tone it down or at least do less of (if any at all) of it. there are other portions to it that I could have added in such as the political borders(for many countries that are not named or even well thought out) but I felt those were not really necessary at the time.

    P.S wow i was in the process of typing this while everyone else was typing theirs. I actually added in lots of rivers but the size of the map here basically makes a lot of them completely invisible, lakes and mountains are the only defining features I kinda know how to do(at the moment anyways, Im sure I will find ways to do the others) of course lakes are kinda lacking so I should keep that in mind with my next one. I really do appreciate the critique its the only way to encourage artistic progress.
    Last edited by Dawningwhispers; 10-25-2012 at 06:51 PM.

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