Lands of Fagacea will be my first map, but i just started to draw and got some doubts that is making me stop and not think it nice.
As soon i get new solutions i will updating here about this map.
First big change in the shape. The area north from Tristania got a connection with the North Pole. Wanted get a "epic" ship cross between the ice for one of the Larcenia Expeditions getting oil and sending to Valdorn. Trying to get better visual after find a new style to finish shape forms.
Historic of the thread
Let me show my problens:
I am using Photoshop for this map.
[CHANGED]The Map (Updated nov, 26, 2112)
Followed to create a big map using as reference of small maps of 2400x1800 px, can edit the big map with new dimensions for a more or less detailed map[FIXED]Resolution:
nov, 26: Still dont know how to define the resolution, my map got so huge!
I followed the instructions in[award-winner]-bitmapped-images-technical-side-things-explained.html and used 1280x 1024 in beggin, but after the progress map got much more bigger.
Now i dont know if this map need to follow a standard or something
So i lost the resolution of all my brushesmaking me use they as 30~45 px
Getting better resolution and reducing the File size
I Created a standard re-drawing my icons following a standard of dimensions, like using 20 px for trees, 35 for towns and montains. Drawing with small dimensions help to not lost the resolution when i use it bigger.[FIXED]Bigger is in the original size, after scanner and make the vectors, and the small is the 30 px
Is it normal? i am felling something wrong and need orientation![]()
I saw some ppl using this feature in GIMP very well but still not found a way in Photoshop, so i give up to try and started use it manualy[ABORTED]The other question is about brushes, i tried find something it here, but i gues it is so specific that is making hard to find one thread saying about. I will show my montains, looks like one is one montain over the other and not one covering the other. I want that one montain hide the lines of the other montain, is it possible?
thank you
Next Steps:
[Done] [Done] [Done] [Done] Fix the rivers [Done] Getting lines via Off set to do customized coast lines or to expand some elements
[Done] Getting customizer border lines, using dashed lines of different types
Revised Maps