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Thread: Perhaps not a map, but a Request/Opportunity Nonetheless! (Part 2)

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  1. #1

    Post Perhaps not a map, but a Request/Opportunity Nonetheless! (Part 2)

    Gentlemen and Ladies, This thread is very similar to my other thread of the very similar name in that this is a contest / request / commissioned job all in one.

    I'm not sure exactly what the prize will be for this one. It will at least be a copy of the finished product(s) and some residual income for each of the items that the winner of this thread submits that I use in my line of products. You will also receive credit, by name, in the product(s) in which the pictures appear. (If none of that made sense, please look at the thread of the same name minus the "Part 2".)

    What I am requesting now is the following:

    A series of five, black and white line drawings. Each drawing should be no more than 450x450 pixels. The drawings should be of the following objects:
    A sword - not vertical but slanted somewhere between 30 and 45 degrees.
    A rampart - a keep or stone wall used for defense.
    A herald - a symbol of a ruler.
    A tome - a heavy book used by mages to cast spells.
    A throne - a symbol of an emperor, perhaps a man sitting on a great chair.

    The drawings should be simple and stylized as if they were created in a fantasy world. In my head, they have a similar feel to drawings from midieval (spelled wrong - I know) Europe. By that, I mean almost crudely drawn, 2D, not too much detail. They should all be in the same style, i.e. look as if they were drawn (carved, forged) by the same person at the same time. They might even (haven't decided yet) appear on the face of coins.

    The submissions must be originals and cannot be from any copywrited source as I will be using them in a commercial project. They will be used as filler art in my next published product, but they will be used extensively and will be highlighted as very significant in one portion of the text.

    I intend to choose the winner(s) on or about June 3rd. Not much time, I know, but for some of the artists around here, an eternity.

    I know that this isn't really a cartography request, but this community is where I hang out, and if you can't do it, it's not worth asking elsewhere about.

  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by The Cartographist View Post
    A herald - a symbol of a ruler.
    Do you mean a heraldic charge or a person with the job of herald?
    Bryan Ray, visual effects artist

  3. #3


    Ha - good question. A heraldic charge, actually.

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