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Thread: New member seeking advice on simple map of 800*800

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  1. #1

    Post New member seeking advice on simple map of 800*800

    As in the title i am seeking a way of mapping a 800*800.

    I am retired and learning to play games. Of interest is a gameplay called Camelot thoght at first it would be easy with a spreadsheet.

    Hopefully someone on the forum will help me.
    Thank You

  2. #2
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
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    Montreal, Canada


    Well, in order to help, we would need to know just what kind of map, of what and what style you are planning on doing this map. All we have to go on atm is the proposed size of it. We have plenty of tutorials so you might find some guidance in the Tutorial Forum. If you are not sure what software to use, the Software forum is the place to go for that....

    are quite willing to help, but we need to know where you want to go. Do you have an example of what you have, or is it in the very beginning (just an idea) stage?

    BTW, Welcome to the Guild, The Mappiest Place on the Web
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

  3. #3

    Default simple map

    Hello thank you for reply, I have never tried to map before.

    The sort i want is on a grid 800 squares across and down, each square will contain of the list below and these may be changed throughout.

    Plains; Woods; Hills; Stone; Ore; Picts, Cities each one has 9 levels. the last thing is speed between but have no idea how to work that out yet.

    very simple i think but have no idea. I use a iMac.

    think that is the idea

  4. #4
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    You could do that real easy with a little bit of a scripting language and your browser. I have something very similar which I have hosted on my site.

    Link to Redrobe's MiniMap page.

    What you do is make up a text file and each character converts into a little image that the web browser renders in a grid. So for just editing the file with notepad then you can upload it and get it rendered into something nice. You need to take a screen shot of the screen because the screen is made up of loads of little images but thats normally not too hard. Maybe it would be for 800x800 squares tho.

    So how big are each of the squares ?

    I could modify my little script to do that job if you post up the images of 7 types of square then *all* you have to do is make up the 800x800 x 9 levels of text file !!!

    Personally I would not use a web browser but render them directly into an image but to do that you would have to know the scripting language but then you would be able to get one image out. But if your prepared to use your web browser and clip a few screen grabs together then I could make that happen no problem.

    You would need to edit up some text files like this:


    to blocks of 100x100 or whatever you wanted to clip out and fit together.

  5. #5


    Sounds perfect, better if i understood.

    i was thinking of colours 1 each and maybe a number inside

    downloaded GIMP but have not figured how to create small squares about 10mm or so

    when i was at school we had slate and chalk

  6. #6
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Well if you have say 100 to 150 squares in a tile and need 8 or 5 tiles square of that to make up one level then if you have a screen res of 1000 pixels you can have 10pix to 7 pix square each. I.e. 100 x 10 = 1000 or 7 x 150 = 1050 pixels. If you needed a grid as well then that has to come out of the size too. If your just after plain coloured tiles then post a list of all of the letters and what colour you want them to be. Make sure each letter is unique so Plains and Pics may need to be different. I would not suggest using numbers as your head will spin looking at them all. Maybe use a letter with a shape that looks like what you want represented perhaps then when viewed as a whole it may look like ascii art.

  7. #7


    I thought i was confused before now i am not confused just no idea what!!!!!
    if you would be able and willing to do it for me i would be grateful other than that i think i will give up on the idea

  8. #8
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Ok, These are the following types you want. For each one, assign a letter that you want to use in the ascii text file to upload and also the colour of the resulting tile it will generate for each one. Tell me if you want grid lines around each square and if so, what colour.

    I will suggest some, you modify the list.

    Plains -> _ Pale Green
    Woods -> P Dark Green
    Hills -> ~ Mid brown
    Stone -> o Mid Grey
    Ore -> * Blue
    Picts -> Y Red
    Cities -> @ Orange

    I would have the grid and have it black. I would make each square 9 pixels square which would include the grid so 8x8 pixel of colour and an edge of black 1 pixel.

    If that seems just fine and as good as any then ill go ahead and put those into the script and make up an example for you to start with.
    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-18-2013 at 07:50 PM.

  9. #9
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Ok, your script has been done. You can find a link to it HERE

    As an example, cut n paste this into Notepad or some word processor that has a fixed width font like Courier so it all lines up.

    Save it as a file like Camelot.txt

    Upload it on that link web page and then your browser should generate this image which you can do a screen grab and trim in your fav image editor on the mac.

    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-18-2013 at 09:38 PM.

  10. #10
    Administrator Redrobes's Avatar
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    Just bumping this - did anyone have a go with this and did it work out ok ? Or was it all in vain ?

    Just messing with This one which was the first one in my search I found under ascii maps. Then I did some replace on it to the letters were using and then uploaded using the utility. No idea what I am looking at tho...

    ######      #############~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP~~~~~~~~PPPPP
    ######  @   ############~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPPPPPPPP~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPP
    ######         ########~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPPPP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPP
    ######          ######~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPPP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPP
    ######      ##              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPP
    ###### ########~~~~~~~~~~~~      ~~~~~~______~~PPPP~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~PPPPPP
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    ######    ########______PPPP   PPPP_________~~~~~~___ ~~~######### PPPPPPPP
    ######    #########_____PPPPPPPPPPP________~~~~~~~__@ ~~########## PPPPPPPP
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    #############################~~~---------    ~~ooooooooooooPPP~~###~~PPPPPP
    Link to image
    Last edited by Redrobes; 01-21-2013 at 01:00 PM.

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