not sure who'd use this, save the most desperate DMs whose players had recently destroyed yet another campaign world, but here it is... completely random. 4k x 2k px
not sure who'd use this, save the most desperate DMs whose players had recently destroyed yet another campaign world, but here it is... completely random. 4k x 2k px
>>< drow ><<
Nice. That's quite a lot of hexagons.
I love your dramatic name choices, like "Tower of the Shadow Emperor." Can't go wrong there.![]()
19,110 hexes (210 x 91)
>>< drow ><<
This is very cool. I very much like the shape of the landforms. How was it generated? Something custom you've written? Or a program I can get my hands on and play with?
the background map was generated using the donjon world generator, see the about link for more info. i've been working on additional code to overlay a traditional gaming hex map. geography and civilization elements are generally working, still working on a procedure for rivers. when its done, it'll probably be added to the donjon website.
>>< drow ><<
Nice work....!!!
"Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall."-Confucius
Old map and Historic map
Nice! I love the shape.
Any chance you could post it without the hexes and the other stuff in the hexes?
I guess you're doing a sandbox campaign? Tell us about it!
I'm trapped in Darkness,
Still I reach out for the Stars
>>< drow ><<
I like it...has a kind of pulp feel to it. "Lechy Forest" does it get better than that?
Oh I could write a story set in that world.
nicer labels, and rivers. mostly happy with the river algorithm, although it still does crazy things every once in a while. like cutting through a mountain range. i guess that's what gorges are for.
>>< drow ><<