Hello all,

We are a small videogame indie studio from Spain, and we are currently working on our first big game that will be based on World War II, we would need around 10 maps done and we would love to find an economical but talented artist that could help us in this endeavour.


We would like to discuss the price personally with the artist, depending on quality and time.


Maps will show the different campaign zones of historical WW2 military campaigns for ex: (Fall of France, Battle of Berlin, Operation Barbarossa...) we don't need the full map of a country just selected zones on where the importants battles took part (we will provide the zones to be ilustrated).


Style should be belic, but also graphically appealing . Something along the lines of this 2 examples (this art is not ours):




Quality & Size

The ilustrations should be proffessional
Size of the images in pixels should be: 2048x2048
And the scale will vary between maps.

Time Constraints

We don't have any inminent time constraints at the moment, but we would love to have them the sooner the better with a maximum deadline of 2 months.


We would like to discuss this matter personally too with the selected artist.

Contact Details

Feel free to contact me directly to itellez@frozenshard.com as I will not be able to recieve personal messages.

Thanks a lot for your time, we are very excited with this first project and we are putting all our efforts in it, if you want to take part of it, please send me a mail with your details and a sample of your work.

All the best,

Isidro Téllez
Co-Founder of FrozenShard Games