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Thread: Worldmap dark fantasy "Les Terres d'Ordale".

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  1. #1

    Wip Worldmap dark fantasy "Les Terres d'Ordale".

    Good Evening, (in france, this is the night when I have posted this thread...)

    Or good day,

    I present you the world map of the story of fantasy whom I am writing.

    I copy you the small explanatory summary which I wrote for the album which I wrote to complete:

    It is about a sketch of a world map for the universe of fantasy whom I am writing. It is a world of the kind Dark Fantasy. This map is the complete map of the Earth of Ordale. But for my story, just a small part (that where there is a majority of continents will be used. Other continents apparaitront probably later in the narrative). It is not ended yet, I use especially sketch of this one to know how to make it at best, and can be still modified in the future. If I counted well the map count all in all 91 cities. Most are concentrated in the North is. The South is less populated and investigated because of the hilly landscape, of its volcanic lands, and ravaged by cataclysms And of his estrangement also. Furthermore it is necessary to cross the ocean of the typhoon to reach it, what returns any risky approach, but not impossible by making a long bend by the East.
    The life in the world of Earth of Ordale is difficult. Of numerous dangers, wars, treasons, and conflicts of interests threaten his habitants. As well as the lands which are investigated still not enough little by place, and in the hilly landscape. For the map, and its geography, I made some superficial searches in geographies (thank you wikipedia, this is very helpfull for having some news ideas)

    As regards places indicated on the map, I tried to make so that it represents most sometimes, hardness of the world of the lands of Ordale. And that with regard to the geography, to make names for the varied consonances, and coherent. For example on the continent of Yaga Nor, all the places or almost are written with the words of the language of his habitants.For example "Xho" means broken mountain, or of fire, or still burnt person according to the interpretations, the translations and suffixes. And an other example "Yaga Nor" Mean " The lands of those who endured " (the language works especially compared with the context in which the words are used, the same word used in a quiet situation, and a confrontation will have two different definitions).

    There are 7 continents in this world:

    - Îles Ethéennes, Islands east of the cardmap
    - Yaga Nor, continent in the south
    - Ordale, great continent near the center of the map
    - Aronir, small isle on the north of continent of Ordale (Atharash Khân kingdom)
    - Bordereth, contient with the empire of Terssinord
    - Per Véllénir, incated on the mapworld
    - Amsor, great isle group in the south of "Per Véllénir"

    The map is not ended yet, I work a little every day to improve it. (I have some more of work to be made, and I have already spend a great
    time above to modify it.

    But I shall like having notices as regards the geography. The shape of continents, names of places, cities, and so on. All which occurs you. Every objective criticism will be welcome.

    Excuse I for the faults that he can have there there in the text.

    If need be, I can post some precision about the map.
    Last edited by Jaqen Hagar; 08-04-2013 at 06:57 PM. Reason: changed icon

  2. #2
    Guild Adept Viking's Avatar
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    May 2013


    Hi Jagen, welcome to the guild!
    A WIP is a Work In Progress My biggest comment is that there are some abnormalities in regards to your rivers. Rivers in the real world never cut straight across landmasses. They start as streams at high ground and collect into larger rivers as they take the path of least resistance to the ocean. That is unless they head into a basin which doesn't reach the ocean and empties through evaporation like the dead sea. As such, your rivers in Per Vellenir and around La Septentrion don't make a lot of sense. I would advise splitting them out so that each river only has one exit to the sea.

  3. #3
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    Bonjour, męme si j'aime la lagune de Moličre, je vais répondre en anglais pour que les autres puissent aussi comprendre

    Viking is right about the rivers, at some places, your landmass look like some island because it's cut off from the continent by a river. In le Royaume des milles-baničres for example.
    Another thing, the north look like you added a layer on top of it but you misplaced it. Some mountains and textures where cut in a straight line. See Le Massif Ashtarii.
    Your labels need to be more consistent so they can be easier to read. check this out :
    To sum up, avoid the overlap with other elements such as mountains or at least put something under in order to make the font stand out, like this High Marches Regional by ~Levodoom on deviantART
    Aslo, you should avoid splitting names, unless they are very close. You could consider putting more space between your characters to fill the space but most map don't feel the need to fill all the space.

    I guess the transition in the ocean is not yet finished everywhere,but it's a good start.

    What software are you using for mapping?

  4. #4


    Good envening Vking and Azelor,

    First of all thank you very much for your very relevant remarks.

    Viking, I take note of your suggestions to apply them when I shall redo rivers, I did not know that. That is going to help me to redraw rivers on the mapworld.
    It is true that by looking at rivers closer with regard to the incoherence that it wastes quite a lot of things in term of realism for the geography of the worldmap. I recognize that it is difficult to realize by oneself this kind of details.

    Azelor, The line is due to the fact that it is on this line that stopped the north border of my first worldmap. Which was much smaller than that there. It made 4000*3000 pixels compared with that here which has a dimension of 12000*9000 pixels). I had not taken time to draw mountains a little higher.
    For writings, I imagine that it was have to be easy and pleasant to read. Do you think that the size of writing of the name of cities, and places is rather big? And I do not forget not to stack elements as I made it on my worldmap here.

    This worldmap is a draft, I intend to redo everything. I spent a big part of the day to redo the basis of the worldmap. Contrary to the previous one, I am going to use copies, and well to take time to make everything stage by stage.

    Here is the beginning of the new worldmap of Ordale's lands, where I am going to be able to redo everything:
    ( I shall post regularly the progress of my work here)

    I use GIMP as software for the cartography.
    Attached Images Attached Images
    Last edited by Jaqen Hagar; 12-17-2013 at 08:23 AM.

  5. #5
    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Gatineau, Quebec, Canada


    Thanks for the tips on rivers!

  6. #6
    Guild Adept Viking's Avatar
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    May 2013


    My pleasure Yanarchist
    I look forward to seeing how this map develops Jagen!

  7. #7
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2008


    I think that the size of the text is okay.

  8. #8


    I don't forget my map, I restat everything, and I have changed many names, and also a great parts of my story.

  9. #9


    This is a version of my worldmap, with new names, etc... What do you think ? Objectives criticisms are welcom.

    (this map is for my story of high and dark fantasy).

    First map just for my story :
    carte pour l'histoire.jpg

    I draw everything with my mouse... I prefer to be focused on my stroy than my map.

  10. #10



    I like your map!

    There are still problems with some rivers: Meandres de Denolinndor, Velyr, Feldon, and the 2 rivers flowing out of Lac de Nidenn. The water does not want to take 2 paths (unless it is a marshy delta area, with the appropriate scale for that, perhaps at Amlen you could add a marsh or delta). All of the water usually wants to flow through the one path which goes lower faster.

    Where the tributaries come together: it is good.

    Where the rivers split apart: it is not so believable. Keep working to improve it if you have time!

    Also you have several big mountain ranges without rivers & streams. It would be nice to add rivers coming from 4-5 more mountain ranges.

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