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Thread: The Caller - Map of Krig

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  1. #1

    Map The Caller - Map of Krig

    I can tell you what I know...
    Through the vayn, into the Dour Demesne and onto the land of Krig…
    There once was great ancient war on Krig called the Evar War. The Evar War was fought by two distinctive ménages known as the Lissiran and Quellar. There is no certainty on what exactly caused the Evar War to ignite; even the Lissiran and Quellar could not recall but what is known is that The Evar War created enough negative energy to fuel the ominous minds of those who would seek to end the war by any means necessary.

    Hello cartographers!

    I am interested in a commission for the land of Krig.

    I can only go by ancient descriptions of what Krig might have looked like but I hope some fine artist here can represent them better.
    I will give you credit for your work anywhere the map is published.

    Krig was a medium-sized land mass surrounded by a very dark ocean.
    There was nothing to be seen beyond that.
    When Sul'r brought light, the blackness way out in the ocean around the island quickly formed into a thick white mist.
    There was nothing to be seen from the shores or cliffs upon the edges of Krig, just ocean and darkness outside; it almost seemed as though Krig was in the dead center of an abyss.
    There was nothing to be seen beyond that.
    The land itself was quite rough, mostly consisting of mountains and rivers filled with dangerous creatures, especially when Nol'r brought night.
    There were forest of thorns and valleys where even Sul'r could not reach, the ways through dark only Nol'r could teach.
    There was nothing to be seen beyond that.

    Payment will be made via Paypal.

    If you wish to get in contact with me about your interested, fee (on a budget but we will work something out I hope!), descriptions/information you need or any other inquiries:

    Hygher (Progress) on deviantART where you can find me!

    Thank you for your time and good day!
    Last edited by Korash; 10-24-2013 at 07:24 PM.

  2. #2


    An artist has been selected!

    I appreciate all of those who took time to contact me!

  3. #3
    Community Leader Korash's Avatar
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Montreal, Canada


    Okay. I changed the tag for ya
    Art Critic = Someone with the Eye of an Artist, Words of a Bard, and the Talent of a Rock.

    Please take my critiques as someone who Wishes he had the Talent

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