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Thread: Inspiring game developer needs city map

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    Default Inspiring game developer needs city map

    I am looking for someone to create me a CHEAP city map it doesn't have to be overly big because well my game isn't going to be that big. This is going to be a main city map of a town called Theodore. I want it to have a main castle road networks to random houses, a blacksmithing section, alchemy section, tailor section, a general store. I just want it to look nice, with good road networks. Think of it as what you would want to see in a high fantasy RPG style game and do that. Only needs to have one main entrance. Something simple that looks decent and effective. My contact information is

    As this game is going to be a learning curve for me, it won't have any profit to be made off. Although I will make a portfolio and give a mention in the game and a copy of the game, plus let you name some items that will be placed in the game, monsters or characters (your choice). Though I am having lots of troubles with doing this, I have made a world map and will attach it here so you can get an aspect of what the actual world will look like when the game is actually finished
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    Last edited by dejong90; 10-29-2013 at 12:11 AM.

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