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Thread: I have a map that I'd like to be (basically) reproduced/improved upon

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  1. #1
    Guild Applicant
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    San Jose, CA

    Default I have a map that I'd like to be (basically) reproduced/improved upon


    I have been working on developing a fantasy world that is set on an island much in size and climate to Japan. The island will be roughly 1000 miles (give or take) tall by 300-600 miles wide. These are rough dimensions only.

    I found this map some time ago on Deviant Art. The artist specifically granted permission to use it for gaming purposes (this is just for a home brew campaign, and nothing commercial, etc). However, the map itself is quite washed out, and while I am prepared to use it as-is, I'd really like a snazzier one. Asking her to sharpen it resulted in yes, she would, but it would cost. This was years ago, when I couldnt really afford it. Now I can, but she has taken the map down from her page. Ergo, I come to you.


    Why do I like this map? Let me tell you about my world.

    Humanity lived in the southern lands where the warmer temperatures (temperate, nothing really tropical) made life nicer, but then through a series of events, the southern lands became overrun with monsters, and people fled north. This map shows a heavier concentration in the north than the south, which I like.

    I also need a central mountain range that is high and foreboding, and yes, very snowy. This map clearly shows that.

    In Japan, the northwest is the coldest, and the eastern seaboard and northeastern areas will have the most population. When I say "most", we're talking fantasy lands here, so a few hundred thousand at the MOST, island-wide.

    I cannot send personal messages yet, but I really admire these maps and these artists here:
    geoff_nunn's Album: Maps of the Westerlands

    What would I change about the map I already have?

    I'd like it to be a lot more vibrant. I want to print this out on a 11" x 17" paper when all is said and done.

    I'd like 6 major ruined cities to be depicted in the south, and lots and lots of smaller settlements up north. I dont need anything named - really, I just havent come up with names for much yet, so merely noting them and their trade routes is fine.

    I need the land to be "taller" than wider, with harsh terrain like Japan (they have less than 15% arid land, I think. I dont need it THAT stringent, but it should be mountainous and rough going on a lot of it, but classic Japanese beauty as well. You can deviate from the existing map, but keep its general shape. Improve upon it as you like.

    What else? Still with me?

    I can pay $100 USD, more if needed. Again, this is a homebrewed campaign so I dont need a rush or perfection, but I appreciate good work. I would prefer this to be complete by the end of January 2014 or so, but again, its not a critical rush. Regarding copyright, I certainly dont need any. You are free to use this elsewhere as needed. If you have a name that just HAS to go on the map because it fits, we can discuss this

    My contact info is kealios-at--gmail (you know, without the dashes) and I'll try to get enough posts on here to be able to use the PM system.

  2. #2
    Guild Applicant
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    San Jose, CA


    I've gotten some excellent responses via email. Thanks much for those who have given me much to think about! I'll get back to each one of you shortly.

    A few questions that have come up:

    Pixels: I dont know, I'm sorry. I do know that the map should print in decent resolution on an 11"x17" paper. That is therefore probably a lot of pixels
    Style: Im still working this out. Many of emails provided me with options to review - I shall do so.

    It was mentioned a few times that it wouldnt be proper to trace/reproduce this map. Thats ok. I dont want it traced. A new island in a similar configuration would be fantastic. As for island dimensions, this is a stand-alone kingdom with no access to outside continents, and therefore should be big enough to be engaging without being a United States-sized continent. Is 1000 miles by 4-600 miles too small for a world, one that prints on an 11"x17" map? Maybe. Artistic license will reign here. My main concern is that to get from the north to the south, you either brave the insane mountain in the center of the island, or you go around it...heh that sounds so silly (duh)...where going around is narrow and dangerous and not taken lightly.

    I didnt mention the Legend of the Five Rings influence. I did mention "asian", but L5R is heavily influencing a lot of my world decisions.

    Check out this map and the legends on it:
    My Dream World by AnthonyAvon on deviantART

    I'd love something like that (the pagodas and especially the gates...dont know what theyre called) to represent the cities/towns/ruins, etc.

  3. #3
    Guild Applicant
    Join Date
    Nov 2013
    San Jose, CA


    Thanks, all.

    The commission has been taken by Lingon.

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