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With the 160th Map of the Week, we take a last look at the Kingdom of Slovania and the Continent of Ása. Next week, we move to the continent of Énéa. Today, however, we take a look at the interior of the Dark Circle House in the eastern Dark Hills of Slovania's Southland County. The house is a training center for young sorcerers who want to join the Society of Immortal Darkness of the dark draug Mýsing in the ruins of the Æsir Empire. The complex is small and simple. It needs no key. In addition to the main house, one finds the wooden watchtower (60 feet/18 m high), a water well, the outhouse and a woodshed. The head of the complex is the human female black necromancer Snæfríður.

Key to the Floor Plans of the Dark Circle House Interior

Ground Floor

1. Front Door.

2. Lecture Hall and Library.

3. Lecture Pulpit.

4. Altar of Mýsing.

5. Magic Lab.

6. Special Workbench.

7. Kitchen.

8. Trapdoor to the Cellar (not mapped).

9. Dining Room.


10. Spiral Staircase to the 2nd Story.

2nd Story

11. Snæfríður's Room.

12. Student Rooms.

You can get these floor plans in two versions:

1. The Fractal Mapper (TM) 8 version in FMP format, fully editable (11 MB) from the Jörðgarð website.

2. As JPG flat map of 3000 Pixels x 2500 Pixels, (3 MB), available above.

Both versions are released for personal and commercial use under the Open Game License Version 1.0a, which you can read on the Jörðgarð website at:

The Jörðgarð World

Next Week: The Continent of Énéa