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Thread: Small Bridge Hamlet: Looking for Critique.

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  1. #1

    Map Small Bridge Hamlet: Looking for Critique.

    Sharing the latest map I've designed in hopes of figuring out how I can improve. I tend to leave my maps without detail because I find it allows me to be more flexible when I describe things to my players.

    Any advice or tips on how I can improve on my future stuff would be welcome.

    Bridge Village.jpg

  2. #2
    Guild Expert Domino44's Avatar
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    Sep 2013


    I think it looks good. The biggest thing I think that could make it better is if it wasn't so dark. I know you said you don't like adding a lot of detail for gaming use but the textures and some other details get covered by the darkness especially on the bridge. Also on the bridge I really like that you gave the shadow an arch kind of feel, but I don't think that's how the shadow would actually fall. It seems a bit to thin at the highest point, if you gave it a thin-thiker-thin flow I think it would look more natural. Wonderful work I really love the water!

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Domino44 View Post
    I think it looks good. The biggest thing I think that could make it better is if it wasn't so dark. I know you said you don't like adding a lot of detail for gaming use but the textures and some other details get covered by the darkness especially on the bridge. Also on the bridge I really like that you gave the shadow an arch kind of feel, but I don't think that's how the shadow would actually fall. It seems a bit to thin at the highest point, if you gave it a thin-thiker-thin flow I think it would look more natural. Wonderful work I really love the water!
    Thanks for the response! Now that you mention it the bridge does look too dark. I agree on the bridge shadow not being as good as it could be, it's a bit too thick and all the structure shadows are at a 45 degree angle while I did the bridge at a strait 90 degrees because I couldn't wrap my brain around an arched shadow at an angle. Thanks for the kind words and giving me some things to think about for the next one I do.

    Also by 'too dark' do you mean I went too heavy on the shadowing? Or that the textures and everything in general is too dark?

  4. #4
    Guild Journeyer jkat718's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadloch View Post
    I agree on the bridge shadow not being as good as it could be, it's a bit too thick and all the structure shadows are at a 45 degree angle while I did the bridge at a strait 90 degrees because I couldn't wrap my brain around an arched shadow at an angle.
    If it makes it simpler, think of it as if you were to take the near side of a rubber band that was stretched around two pencils and pull it outwards to form a triangle (pretend it's curved, and is a semicircle). Now, move the finger-based vertex of your imaginary rubber band triangle a little to the right. Can you picture how the triangle becomes more acute at that point? Now the semicircle is more of a parabola shape, and that's the shape you want the bridge shadow to be

    Quote Originally Posted by Dreadloch View Post
    Also by 'too dark' do you mean I went too heavy on the shadowing? Or that the textures and everything in general is too dark?
    I think the major issue with the darkness is the size of the border which, while adding a neat "Fog of War" effect, tends to constrict the image, as darker borders tend to do. Perhaps either trimming the edges of the picture or receding (is that a proper use of the word "receding?") the border would counteract this. Perhaps you could add an intermediate area where the grid isn't there? That way, it tells your players "Look, the battle is confined to this area, the grid--and therefore combat--takes place only here." If you continue the grid, you make that area visibly accessible to the players, making it appear as if the characters could continue in that direction, leaving the map, the grid, and combat entirely.

    P.S. Where did you get those groundcover, water, and dirt textures? I'd love to steal them!

  5. #5
    Guild Journeyer
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    Hey dreadloch! Yep, i think everyone above has some great input. I generally dig the vignette look to maps and as long as you've got enough room for the evounter.... I generally make my maps a bit bigger just so i can add that "fade to black". I think you nailed it on your terrain transitions. Well done!

  6. #6


    Thanks for the feedback guys, I've got some good stuff think about for the next time I make a map.

    Ground textures are from here I think: Grass Textures by Akinuri on deviantART
    And the water from here: Water and ice by borysses on deviantART

  7. #7
    Guild Journeyer jkat718's Avatar
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    Thanks, dreadloch!

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