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Thread: My own Battlemaps - Random Encounters

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  1. #1

    Wip My own Battlemaps - Random Encounters

    Hey guys,
    I'm pretty new to the whole Mapmaking. I dm a group of newbies online and I fell in love with many great battlemaps out there.
    Recently my university gave out licenses for old PS versions. So here I am trying my best.

    My current Battlemap is a work in progress and I need every bit of help and feedback I can get.

    Atm. I'm not satisfied how the flowers look and with the cliffs on the upper side. Battlemaps should be from above but they look like coming from the front. I'm not quite sure how to fix this problem. Any suggestions? Also obviously I'm missing some detail and some symbols, but I didn't want to add them until I like the rest.


  2. #2
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Pacific Northwest USA


    I enjoy your very video game like style. With the pure top down style the only control you have over apparent height difference and angle is shadows and highlights. I think adding some minor highlights and shadows to indicate the general rolling nature of the terrain might help break up the sense of 3/4 perspective you are getting from having the cliff on the upper section taller than that on the lower, if you are using a bevel affect changing the angle of the lighting could also help.

  3. #3


    I really couldn't make the steep upper cliff working. I do the lighting by hand with shadows and highlights :/

    I kinda finished the map and i think it is ok how it is now.
    What do you think? Not enough details?


  4. #4
    Guild Artisan madcowchef's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Pacific Northwest USA


    Looks fine. Unless its a real centerpiece spending hours detailing it probably isn't necessary. Its nice, clean, and highly functional as is.

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