I've been working on this for a few days so I'm putting up some WIPs that I've done already and then where I am currently at.
I'm not sure if this will get completed in time - it has kind of ballooned out into a much larger thing than was originally intended.
Initial drawing idea
Anthropos Iohanan 02.jpg
Then the sea floor
Anthropos Iohanan 03.jpg
Some smudging to alter everything I just didplus some color overlay
Anthropos Iohanan 03b.jpg
Some water texture and gradient
Anthropos Iohanan 03d.jpg
Then some landshaping and mountains. Loads of mountains.
Anthropos Iohanan 03f.jpg
Rivers and the beginnings of some landscape
Anthropos Iohanan 03g.jpg
And where I am currently at.
### LATEST WIP ###
Anthropos Iohanan 04b.jpg
Still a long way to go. Place names and other stuff as well. I know... it's a LITE challenge. Trust me - it wasn't supposed to be this involved.
I just really like the concept for the challenge and it was going so well that I ran with it.