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Thread: Best way to do biome variations on medium scale regional map?

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    Guild Novice Facebook Connected
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    Default Best way to do biome variations on medium scale regional map?

    As the title implies. are there any resources on here that describe a good workflow for doing biome variants? I'm tasked with creating a world map that has several different biomes planned out in quite specific places. I've been flicking through the tutorials on this site and gone through some of them as test runs for when I start tackling the project properly. I've found a couple that include some really handy workflow regarding me being able to follow the coast contours of the sketch-up pretty nicely e.t.c. And some lovely tutorials regarding mountain and tree creation e.t.c. But I am a little stumped on how to effectively deal with the biome variants I'll be needing on this map. All of the tutorials I've looked at so far have all dealt with one grassy environment with mountains, trees, some times snowy peaks and coastal/sea.


    That is the basic layout for the map and as you can see there is quite a diverse set of environments I'm going to be trying to represent in the map. The size is roughly equivalent to The Vvardenfell Map from Morrowind:


    So it's bigger than a small town or city map, but smaller than a big world map and each biome needs to follow a pretty specific outline and of course they should all flow in to each other realistically. I'm hoping to get it in a similar style to this in terms of colour pallet fidelity and stylization:

    Of course though on a much more local scale than something of this scale.

    So any advice or pointers towards good resources on creating biome diversities would be brilliant. Along side that, any other advice would be great too lol. It's my first real attempt at creating maps as imagery, although I have got experience creating 3D natural environments and have experience with photoshop and gimp.

    Last edited by Chin Swift; 08-25-2014 at 06:28 PM.

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