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  1. #1

    Post Tomuos Attempts

    D-DOH game map-Recovered.jpg Braemar.jpg

    Hello all who care to look, I'm going to attempt to split up the world map into larger maps of there own. Just to show each area in more detail. I'm wondering if i should use Icons to help set the lay of the land but i'm unsure if it would look correct i may have to attempt drawing them from a top down view, I'm not sure my skills as a Map maker are up to par with most of the ones i have seen already but I'm trying my best.

    Is there any techniques that might be better for breaking up the land? I also worry about how clearly text can be read. I will be re doing the world map soon after i have compiled a list of the countries and the lay of the lands.

    Hopefully you can tell which part of the world map i have adapted of course when i finish the newer version you will see that the terrain should match up as well. I'll post it here when I'm done anyway hopefully i'll have learned something by then.

    All feedback will be very much appreciated.



  2. #2
    Guild Expert jbgibson's Avatar
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    Alabama, USA


    I like the painterly style. Unless some of the blue is canal, you have some coast-to coast rivers, which flowing water just doesn't do. Take a look at the How To Get Your Rivers In The Right Place thread in the tutorial section.

    Are your land and seafloor relief shadows lit from the same direction? Something seems funky there, but it could be just my eye.

    What do you mean about breaking up the land? Politically, topography, climate....?

  3. #3


    Hello JBGibson, Its one thing i've not got right its the rivers i've finally got hold of some maps to look at for more reference rather than and a-z road map. I was thinking perhaps a bit more topography but more for the lay of the land.

    I'm trying to work out how much detail goes into game maps, so I'd put in a world atlas map then while playing through i want to show the areas of the game a character is with a little more detail.

    This is my first time really making anything like this, I've spent days trying to get a look good thing i separate this stuff in photoshops I can fix them rivers up.

    D-DOH Wide Game Map countries.jpg

    I'm going to add the slightly newer unfinished world atlas i've no idea if i did something daft with the sea floor all but I know i didn't like them looking too perfect and clean lol. I have a feeling i may have made some mistakes with rivers again. I'd try not to worry about the names either.

    The names are to break up the countries and then i the Braemar map is one of the countries with i think need to work out placements of rivers and towns.

    Apologies if I'm talking jibberish I'm not have a good time of it lately, gave myself a hernia a week or so ago and some kind person on a visit decided they would give me there cold to go with it.

    Thank you for the feedback i'll try to get on it soon as i can

  4. #4


    On other thing i forgot to ask.

    When breaking up the countries how should i go about it? I'm going to look at that river tutorial perhaps it has the answer to this there but if it doesn't at least i've asked now.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert jbgibson's Avatar
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    Alabama, USA


    ahhh, politically. Think of barriers. Impenetrable mountain ranges might logically have different political units on either side... Unless one large nation/state/etc wraps around the end. Rivers historically became borders - defendable, and hard to cross anyway... Unless a given political unit spans a whole drainage basin, in which case surrounding ridges might define borders. Figure there could be some random or unnaturally straight lines - where a wartime advance stalled, or the result of a treaty. I'm partial to discontinuous sections - look at Getmany in the 1500s, 1600s, 1700s: that parcel was grandmama's dowry; the strip yonder was Old Duke Alferd's inheritance from his Aunt-in-law Griszelda, when Baron Chutney died childless. Or the result of colonization... Alaska. Algeria. the Congo.

    Borders can tell part of your background story.

  6. #6


    Thats some great information, I think i may have to sort out the orders although i was thinking of having 3 trading villages on one part of the map which would be fun. I'm still struggling with this hernia causing me a fair bit of pain, unfortunately had things cancelled on me. I like the idea of setting up a time period for it though give an idea of what sort of technology they would be using in this game world its definitely something to think about.

    Recently I've been trying to hone my skills on Photoshop, I had a look on tutorial about rivers I will have another go though. I'm wondering if i should put canals in or places that have been damned so that villages could be settled. The problem I have created for myself is if i have set it in the future where how well do i mix technology.

    I suppose my problem is i haven't set the parameters for the world yet.

    At the moment I think it would be like trying to draw a map for Gulliver travels. Good advice though. It ill all take a bit of restructuring i'll probablys go through tutorial again look up placements of lakes. The canal thing is sticking in my head though still as its a man made thing could also be used for trading. I come from a city in the uk called Birmingham, more canals than Venice so might give me food for thought.

    Thanks you again JBGibson.

  7. #7


    D-DOH Wide Game Map countries.jpg

    I have redone my rivers there is a reason why one of them doesn't specifically follow the normal route it has been dammed and created a sort of mote for a city. I hope it works a bit better spent a long time trying to get the names sorted the only thing i haven't done is name the world have to come up with something appropriate.

    If my rivers are still wrong i will endeavor to try and fix them again.

    I read the tutorial but I've probably misunderstood something, i even watch a video on how rivers work. Learned a lot about water tables and springs and types of self filtering rocks.
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