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Thread: WIP - Bruggs Landing - The Batavic- Kingdoms Capital

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  1. #1
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Default WIP - Bruggs Landing - The Batavic- Kingdoms Capital

    Today I want to introduce you the City of Bruggs Landing.

    Itīs located at the north west shores of the continent, where once, at the Ages of The White Lords, some thousand Elves founded their City of Thruniel. They formed a circular City with the white Palace in itīs middle. The City was build in white stones and wood and it was the Elves who build the surrounding breakwater and later attached a stony wall of 10 meters height around their city to protect it from the sea and from attackers.

    At the End of The Age of the White Lords, The City of Thruniel was invaded by the Black Lords from the North. The Army of the Black Lords neraly bulldozed the city except the Great Phare of Thruniel and some houses near the Palace. From then on they use the Phare as a sea-sign for their Brutal Hordes navies without rebuilding the City.Lord Khrakk da Korth tried to extinguish the white Flame of Thruniel but never managed to because this flame is once given by the Gods of Elves and only the God himsels was capable to sweep it.

    Some thousand years later - The Age of the Black Lords was over for some centuries - the first humans from the west, the great Fleet of Jon Batava arrived at the fjordish shores of the continent after a journey of half a year.some 40 Ships were following the coasts northwards, when they were atrracted by an intensive light from the Phare of Thruniel. Jon Batave arrives at Thruniel and so the humans captured the old city and call it Bruggs Landing. In the next decades, the City was rebuild in a more human way, with wooden houses and the rebuilding of the some Elven homes. After hundred yeras, Jon Batava was long gone, Bruggs landing was one of the biggest and most importnant human cities in the north west and became the Capital of the growing Batavic Kingdom with the Kings Palace in the center of Bruggs Landing, where once the Elven Lord ruled the City.

    Today Bruggs Landing is a proud City again, with strong walls and some 40.000 inhabitants, the Kingdoms Capital with great shipyards and mostly stony houses of rich inhabitants. Even some of the old Elves returned to Bruggs Landig and their old Phare. Bruggs Landing is the main port of the Kingdom and even the Capital of the strong Batavic Navy. In the First Great Human War, some hundred ships found their secure harbour in Bruggs Landing, protected behind the great breakwater, until they sail away into war. In this time, bruggs landing offers home for about 10.000 troops and about 20.000 additional inhabitants. Bruggs Landing was never invaded again after the invasion ot the Black Lords and today itīs one of the most important an richest Cities of the United Kingdoms, with the largest amount of Elves in all of the Cities in the United Kingdoms. That all under the never expiring flames of Thruniels Phare, even when Bruggs Landing never reaches Thruniels elvic daintiness

    To show the location, letīs zoom in :

    city far 1.jpg

    city far 2.jpg

    city far 3.jpg

    and now one first sketch, made by hand:

    Bruggs Landing 01.jpg
    Last edited by randigpanzrall; 09-20-2014 at 07:22 AM.

  2. #2
    Guild Novice Kobell's Avatar
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    That looks pretty incredible! What program are you going to use to digitize the image?

  3. #3
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Thank you Kobell, well, first i will do the basics in Auto CAD, then with illustrator and the final map will be composed in photoshop, i think. I am planning a city map with an underlayed regional overview.

  4. #4
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Today I add a sketch from the central island of Bruggs Landing, The Kings Castle.

    castle island.jpg

    Outlined in yellow are the remains of the former elven palace which were reconstructed, repaired and integrated in the new castle

    The points are:

    1 The north western remains of Elven Palace
    2 The Gardens of Jilmond
    3 The planters Palace
    4 The only remaining one of four elven towers, The Tower of Grantil
    5 The New Batavic Citadell
    6 The Old Wartower of Jilmond
    7 The Kings Entrance to the City
    8 The Inner Courtyard with The Tree of Jimnod
    9 The Great Hall of the Batavics King
    10 The Hall of the Knights
    11 Jimnods Hall
    Last edited by randigpanzrall; 09-30-2014 at 05:53 PM.

  5. #5
    Guild Expert Wingshaw's Avatar
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    That looks amazing. I've always liked that cutaway floorplan style, and you've combined it nicely with the outdoor garden features. Looking forward to seeing how this develops.


    Formerly TheHoarseWhisperer

  6. #6
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Going further with the digitalization. First steps in detailled planning:

    bruggs zeichnung.jpg

    The City is surrounded by two citywalls, the outside one up to 6 Meters high and the inner one up to 10 meters. They were build by the old elves some hundred years ago and were partly destroyed in war but afterwards repaired by humans. (The humans would not have build these walls, because it would have taken them some hundred years and a couple of bucks, so they were lucky about the elves doing this job in the past) Between those walls there is 100 meter space, filled with the oceans water. this space is temporarely used by the fleet of the kingdom, by private boats and as a recreational area. Both walls have some spaces for entering the ports. Left to the pictures centre there is the port for trade ships and fishery, on the eastern side there will be the shipyards and outfitters.

    In the center of the city you will recognize the Royal Palace on the island, in the south west of it, there is the new human settlement with its city centre with small alleys and houses made of bricks and woodwork. To the north, this area is segregated from the more northern part, where some of the former elvens buildings survived and even the elvish channels and water games.

    As you can see, there is a little populated area outside the walls in the south west of this clipping, this is the new town with a small harbour at itīs side. Even not protected by the city walls there are mostly some richer people living there because of the pictorial character with houses, lying at a little hillslope. There are even some dwarven tradesmen living at the harbour and itīs their intent to save the duty for crossing the cities wall with trading ships. Of course they also prefer not lo live to close to the human city centre.

    Next step will be to create the north western city with the fleets naval port and the garrisons building.

    Iīm open to critiques and ideas as well
    Thank you
    Last edited by randigpanzrall; 10-25-2014 at 06:22 AM.

  7. #7
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    I took the chance to continue with Bruggs Landing City Plan :

    Bruggs 02.jpg

    A is the shipbuilding ground and the attached woodworks
    B is the merchants port with traders buildings
    C is the military ground with the barracks and the attached port for the the navys vessels
    D is the Major Gate of Bruggs Landing, a fortified strong building with two large towers

    I hope to continue soon with this stadium because then I will enter the more artificial work with the map itself...

  8. #8
    Community Leader Facebook Connected Ascension's Avatar
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    Quite an undertaking you have there but it looks nice so far.
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  9. #9
    Guild Adept randigpanzrall's Avatar
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    Thanky Ascension.

    Hereīs a conceptional update of the later map layout - just a first orientation for myself..


  10. #10
    Guild Expert Jalyha's Avatar
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    Beautiful... and looks amazingly complicated Wish I could do something like this for one of my cities
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