Other World Mapper is a new program in development by Three Minds Software, LLC and the Kickstarter for it will be starting soon. It is designed so that detailed maps can be made quickly and easily.
Map Elements
All map elements are created on their own separate layer, so they are easy to move and manipulate.
There are 5 drawing tools:
- Lands
- Rivers
- Bodies of Water
- Regions
- Roads
These tools are vector based so that the map elements can be rotated and scaled without losing resolution, and all of them have their own customizable settings and options (pen type, amplitude, line thickness, opacity, color, texture, etc.). Lands, rivers and bodies of water can automatically generate shorelines, and regions can "follow" the outline of any drawn element.
Art for features, such as mountains and castles, can be imported to create a specific look to the map.
Here is an example map created entirely in Other World Mapper (alpha version) in less than 30 minutes.
Here are the links to the official website, Facebook and Kickstarter.
Official Site