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vBulletin Message
searchd error: client version is higher than daemon version (client is v.1.25, daemon is v.1.22).
vBulletin Message
vBulletin Message
searchd error: client version is higher than daemon version (client is v.1.25, daemon is v.1.22).
I am having the same problem. I can't even see my own started threads.
I will post a screen of what I'm seeing.
Admins - any help here would be very much appreciated. I'd like to be able to see my own threads.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Same goes for me .
"Aye The skies be clear , the seas be calm and the winds be with us .....
ARGH!! but the damn compass be broken!! "
Capt. Noah Swalter Last voyage of the " Silver Crest"
I really wish we could get some response on this. It makes using the site a bit problematic.
I have to search around just to find my own threads. This problem happens to me across devices.
Both on a windows PC and an Android tablet. Across different browsers as well.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
I don't know what to tell you, guys. Us CL's have very little ability to dig into the guts of the site (as far as I know), and I for one don't have the tech-savvy to do anything anyway. I know that Arcana and/or RobA have been PM'd, but we can't do much until we hear something from one of them.
I do believe it's not solely a site problem though; it's got to have something to do with your OS and browser, because I at least have never had any of the problems you folks have described in this and other threads.
Warning: Declaration of vBForum_Item_SocialGroupMessage - vBulletin Community Forum describes the problem and offers some fixes. However, the issues can only be fixed by someone with admin access to the server. I'm guessing it was a fairly recent upgrade of some component or other on the site.
It's not just this problem. There are SEVERAL.
1. EarthLink users can't get emails from here, not even to register.
2. The site is so slow at times that browsers time out repeatedly for several minutes at a time.
3. Forum search gives errors.
4. Advanced search gives different errors.
5. Forum posts gives errors.
It's obvious that the admin of this site isn't even looking at it for months at a time. THAT's the real problem.
I don't want to fight with you, but I totally disagree that a website administrator should solve EarthLink's problems. If EarthLink is blocking you, get a good provider and drop EarthLink. Your problem is one created by EarthLink, not one ceated by the Cartographers Guild. If I've learned anything from the genuine problems you've been having, it's that I want to keep light years between myself and EarthLink.
Mark Oliva
The Vintyri (TM) Project
Hey Diamond - thanks for PMing them. As I stated, I've tried it on several OSes and browsers and the problem seems consistent across all.
Waldronate - thanks. I suspect it is a site update of some sort. It just changed from one day to the next and I hadn't updated anything on my end.
Artstation - | - Buy Me a Kofi
Hi Mark,
The problem is that earthlink has marked this website as spam. It has nothing to do with me personally.
I checked into it myself, and the owner of the website has to go to the earthlink website and fill out a simple form, and include a bounceback email showing that earthlink bounced them. I am not the owner of this website, nor do I have access to the bounceback emails, so there is nothing more I can do. I did even post the link that the admin needs to go to, so I have done as much as possible from the user side.
I had to do this myself for MY website (Bridge Lessons|Learn to Play Bridge|Online Bridge Lessons) about a year ago, and it was trivial, and fixed within a couple of days.
EarthLink is a national email provider and is generally one of the best, including their spam blocking, which I know we all want. They have a mechanism to deal with legitimate websites that get blocked because they send out automated emails, one that is simple and effective to get your site unblocked. I'm sorry if you had a bad experience with them, but I have not. I have had a bad experience with cartographersguild, however, because the admin can't be bothered to use that mechanism.
So while I understand your point, this is not anything I can do more to fix.
By the way, when I started my website, I had to un-spam FIVE different email services for the same reason. In four cases, I had to telephone them and talk to their support. In two of those four, one of my customers had to also telephone them and tell them. EarthLink was the ONLY one that made it straightforward.
So there are most likely several other email providers who are also blocking cartographersguild, and only the admin (who sees the bounced emails) knows which ones. That means there are LOTS of people besides me who are simply unable to register on this website, and you of all people know what I had to go through just to get here. How many other people do you think would have done what I did, and how many of them would simply go away and never come back?
Last edited by Chick; 10-13-2014 at 08:11 AM.