*** Update 08.08.2009 ***
I made small update to the torn old paper script. You now can use your own shapes.
If you set the parameter "Create a random paper?" to "yes" it will create a random torn old paper (thats actually the old version).
If you set the parameter to "no" it will use all black areas of the currently active layer as a "custom" shape.
For a short tutorial take a look here
The new option "Delete paper shape" will only work if you did set "Create a random paper?" to no and will delete your active layer (the custom shape layer) after creating your custom torn paper.
This new version is much more flexible, as it allows you to customize your paper shape very easily. I would recommend to upgrade to this version
How to upgrade
- Unzip the attached zip-file
- Replace the tornOldPaper.py in your plug-in folder with the new one
*** Update 08.01.2009 ***
As I need to create some handouts for my new campaign, I decided to write a quick GIMP Plug-in based on RobA's tutorial about creating old paper (found here).
You have to copy both python scripts to your GIMP plugin folder, which is usually located at "C:\Documents and Settings\<Your Username>l\.gimp-2.4\plug-ins"
Afterwards you find those new plugins at "Filters\RPG Filters".
The first filter (Create old paper) is very simple, it just fills and bumps your picture but I am laaazy. The second one (Torn old paper) is very similar to RobA's tutorial. It just doesnt stroke the selection and doesnt add any grunge brush strokes, mainly cause I dont know what custom brushes you may have.
Anyways attached you find a picture of the torn old paper script and a second one after I added some grunge brushes and a symbol.
Every time you run the script you will get a different torn paper, so if you arent pleased with the first result, just run it again, and maybe change some parameters.
If you do not see the plugins, you dont have python and/or gtk+ installed on your system. You can find a short tutorial how to install python and pygtk fpr windows here