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  1. #1

    Help Bible Map Templates

    I am in the process of writing a book set during the era of King David. I'm trying to put some maps together of certain battles during that time (along the lines of what Jeff Shaara does) but have had a dickens of a time trying to find templates to work with. Any suggestions or wisdom?

  2. #2
    Guild Expert johnvanvliet's Avatar
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    templates for ancient Greek and Hebrew languages might be a issue

    not many still can read and write them

    ( PS. I am an ATHEIST so keep that in mind )

    i would hit the online ( or if you DO have in your area ) library that DOSE have a ancient collection and study the look of the parchments and clay tablets
    linear a is still a pickle

    then make your own stamps for things

    make 100% unique maps every time
    --- 90 seconds to Midnight ---

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  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by johnvanvliet View Post
    templates for ancient Greek and Hebrew languages might be a issue

    not many still can read and write them

    ( PS. I am an ATHEIST so keep that in mind )

    i would hit the online ( or if you DO have in your area ) library that DOSE have a ancient collection and study the look of the parchments and clay tablets
    linear a is still a pickle

    then make your own stamps for things

    make 100% unique maps every time

    Thanks for your feedback!

  4. #4


    I must admit I'm not familiar with Jeff Shaara's campaign maps but I'm going to work on the assumption they're along the lines of this sort of standard strategic map, maybe with a bit more detail, and for your purposes probably on a larger scale?

    As far as determining where settlements and terrain features are in relation to each other and getting a reliable scale you could probably do worse than Google Earth, for a free and easy resource. A lot of the settlements will still be occupied, and hills and mountains won't have moved around. Rivers and the coast might have moved around and indeed probably will have, and the landscape has probably changed quite a bit with desertification and the like, so be careful of that.

    In any case that area and that period will almost certainly have been fairly extensively mapped by scholars of almost all periods so I should imagine if you do any independent research (i.e. outside the Bible itself) there will be maps there that will be helpful for you. You may not find a perfect template, but by working with modern maps (which are fairly easy to come by) and adjusting them based on known variation from the period in question you should be able to put something together, I think.

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