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  1. #1

    Map Kyrinth world map


    Hope that works. This is difficult on my phone.

    Wondering if I can get some input on some finalization. I have a few biomes scoped out but I'm not sure how to put them in accurately. Swamps, forests, Plains, a continent made of ash, deserts and a frozen wasteland are just a few of them. I'll point them out when I have more time, but I've got the map up in the meantime. Still requesting feedback!
    Last edited by Shanrakk; 03-27-2015 at 07:27 PM.

  2. #2


    Crap, this is supposed to be a WIP, I didn't see the tag. How do I fix it?

  3. #3
    Guild Expert Abu Lafia's Avatar
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    Feb 2015


    Hi shanrakk, you can edit your post on the "edit post" button in the bottom . Then click on "Go Advanced" in the bottom, to open more stuff to do with your post (e.g. changing the post icon). To give potential commentators/ critics more information about what you're actually posting (as you were wondering in your other thread) ), you might want to add a "WIP" to the title of your post in this menu too (i at least tend to overlook the small icons ).

  4. #4
    Publisher Mark Oliva's Avatar
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    Altershausen, Northern Bavaria


    Also see my other posting. The map draft still is so vague (not bad, just vague) that I really can't think of much to say about it at this point.

    I have a few biomes scoped out but I'm not sure how to put them in accurately. Swamps, forests, Plains, a continent made of ash, deserts and a frozen wasteland are just a few of them.
    Before anyone can make sensible suggestions on where to place such things, one needs to know more about the area defined. Some very basic points that would be good to know are:

    • Is this area in the northern or southern hemisphere?

    • Does the equator run through the middle of the map, or

    • Is is near a polar circle, or

    • Is it somewhere in between,

    • etc.
    Mark Oliva
    The Vintyri (TM) Project

  5. #5
    Banned User
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    Traverse City, Michigan, USA


    Once again, I agree with Mark, that was exactly my feeling when I saw it. Reasonably nice landmass outlines, and nothing else ready to discuss. After you have decided some of the things Mark suggested, I'd try putting in some indicators (just color blobs is often enough) to represent where you expect to put various elements. At least then there is something to comment on

  6. #6


    Alright! Now I'm getting somewhere. Thanks guys!
    So a bit of clarification, my map is now color blobbed with my extremely limited knowledge of the geology. Id like to know if there are any red flags I might need to worry about.
    There is a key on the map, but the two purple circles are notable points of interest. The one in the center is a floating volcano, and the one on the inlet houses an enclosed city that spans several hundred kilometers. (I wanna say 343 but I need to check my notes, it might not be quite that big.) anyway, it's huge.

    Id like my world to be realitively realistic, but Magic is very important and prominent, so it helps shape the environment a little.

    Edit: forgot to mention, there is an archipelago of islands in the middle-left of the map

    So yeah. I want to see if my world ecology (.?) makes sense before i invest time in the aesthetics.
    thank you guys again!IMG_1677-1.JPG
    Last edited by Shanrakk; 03-28-2015 at 11:35 AM.

  7. #7
    Guild Master Chashio's Avatar
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    Just out if curiosity... How does the floating volcano work? The color blobs look pretty good to me, though I'm not an expert on the subject, but the curved puzzle piece edges in the top right corner do seem a little strange completely bounded by mountains (especially the big cut-in on the left continent).
    Kaitlin Gray - Art, Maps, Etc | Patreon | Instagram

  8. #8


    The floating volcano is one hundred percent god fueled fantasy magic, lol.

    As for the continents, I actually figured they wouldn't be mountainous so much as sheer cliff faces, ala Greek inspiration. I actually had a tectonic plate set up somewhere, but those two are diverging away from Eachother.
    I hope that answers that alright.

  9. #9
    Guild Grand Master Azélor's Avatar
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    So the volcano is a terraforming tool ? If God wants to increase the landmass or increase altitude.

    About your biomes:
    Deadland: I guess you mean a desert ?
    A canyon is not a biome because biomes are tied with the vegetation, not with the landscape.
    Swamps: again, it can be considered a biome but every low lying area is potentially a swamp. Maybe you were thinking about the mangrove?

    I think you should place the geographical elements before placing the biomes because mountains can have a huge impact of the climates.

  10. #10


    Azelor, thanks for the input!
    For clarity, the deadlands are barren, ash covered rock. I'm under the impression that vegetation cant grow because of the lack of sunlight.

    I didn't actually know there was a different between biome and environmental attribute s, to show how Newby I am. And yeah! mangrove works well with my idea of the location.
    But I'm unsure of what geographical elements in missing /what woukd be affected by mountains that I would need to showcase. If my understanding of weather patterns is correct, one side of the mountain range woukd be more lush and green while the other experiences a desert.

    Id also like to make sure my geography makes sense, I mentioned I had some tectonic maps that were tragically destroyed by a well-meaning sibling, so I'm basing my mountain ranges off of what I remember and acting accordingly.

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