Working on this map has taught be several things, one of them being knowing when to stop! While working on the map, each time I visited CG I found another little detail I wanted to include in my map too. I know there is a lot of things I need to work on still, but over all, working on this map was a great experience.
To really get a sense of the detail, here is a link to a host (she's a big one... 12mb!). If anyone is interested in more of story around the City of Fogdown, please take a look at this link. If you are really excited about it, please don't hesitate to rate my campaign over at Obsidian Portal! Also, here is a link to the thread with the history of the development of the map.
Comments and criticism still welcome... because honestly, is a map every really done?
EDIT: New link -- - free file sharing and storage
EDIT 2: Attached below